Looking for someone to practice German |
[1 reply] : you know its not about to just practice with somebody random (if you a... (by closed account iTpkjE8b)
by SiaOs82
College Test Out SQL Database Course
[1 reply] : SQL isn't really difficult. See this: http://www.w3schools.com/sql/ (by coder777)
by RGB 455
First Time Gun Buyer, need some advice
[17 replies] Last: I'm aware of Gun Safety, but fact is that "they are always loaded" off... (by BHX)
by Gyiove
I'm getting hacked and I need help.
[6 replies] Last: Thank you everyone! I'll let you guys know if there are any news. I sh... (by Gyiove)
Why is this forum plagued by people requesting homeworks? |
[14 replies] Last: btw, quora community had far too much fun with this one where the stu... (by BHX)
Where to get started with Python? |
[3 replies] Last: It looks I need to make some readings on AI first according the link y... (by closed account 1v5E3TCk)
by comaHelp2
I was limited for no reason
[11 replies] Last: How do you know his all accounts? I just wonder. (by closed account 1v5E3TCk)
by a k n
SimpleNES -- An NES emulator in SFML and C++!
[5 replies] Last: Imagine the system has a second chip that runs on the same clock as th... (by helios)
Good OpenGL books for games? (1,2) |
[20 replies] Last: I have a lot of books about Video Game design, but I can found nothing... (by Aris99)
Simple gaming question =) |
[4 replies] Last: There are so many games that you should try:Skyrim, Portal, Mass Effec... (by JuniorKen)