Lounge - April 2021

Gamedev - Moving an object from point A to point B
his is more a beginner gamedev question... If this isn't the place to ask please let me know! Thank you I want to create a function that places my game objec...
[3 replies] Last: I would recommend something like this, instead. It more easily handles... (by helios)
by JRManx
Convert text file to image
I have this text file that contains the binary code for a photograph. I'm trying to convert it to a movie file through my Unix command line, but it's not workin...
[7 replies] Last: I'm actually working on an application that will take a text file (or ... (by JRManx)
Visual Studio 2022 announced
[6 replies] Last: Visual Studio 2022 will be a 64-bit application The speed of adoptio... (by keskiverto)
by JRManx
Polyglot program
Just thought this was interesting; it is a program written in C, PHP, and Bash shell script. I can only run it as C and shell script, I don't know how to run it...
[no replies]
Top 10 C++ Resources You MUST Know About!
Cᐩᐩ Weekly With Jason Turner C++ Weekly - Ep 268 - Top 10 C++ Resources You MUST Know About! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eSDVVrjFh54
[1 reply] : Hey, thanks! Those are going to come in really handy– especially th... (by JRManx)
by JRManx
Good for a laugh or two
Just wanted to share something that made my day...I was feeling pretty blue and reading through some of my old posts, I found this thread: https://www.cpluspl...
[no replies]
by helios
CS pedagogy (1,2,3)
I've been thinking about this for the past few years and every time I think about this subject I just keep coming back to this idea, so I wanted to get some opi...
[43 replies] Last: [drops mic] (by JRManx)
by jonnin
include is no template!
Error (active) E0864 include is not a template I just thought you guys should know :) One of 'those' error messages that new c++ folks love so much, first tim...
[10 replies] Last: Oops, not quite what I meant. I meant that there's hardly anything th... (by JRManx)
by thmm
Google's API copyright win over Oracle
The experts agree this Supreme Court decision was a victory for developers and open-source software. https://www.zdnet.com/article/what-googles-api-copyright...
[9 replies] Last: Ahhhh, my eyes have been opened... That makes a lot of sense too, I d... (by JRManx)
CPU pipelining
Hi guys, so it's been a while since I've been at college. In our first year we learned about computer architecture and admittedly I didn't pay much attention i...
[2 replies] Last: Some intro books on computer systems start simply by introducing a hyp... (by seeplus)
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