by Krystian101
Technical Debt Survey For Bachelor Thesis
[no replies]
by RandoomDude
Python Vs C++
[2 replies] Last: Some general hints about antivirus software: (by Thomas1965)
Techniques for Game developing |
[2 replies] Last: Thank you Zereo. I will take a look at the content preview supplied by... (by nuderobmonkey)
Whats your opinion? |
[6 replies] Last: No worries. And thank you very much!! The code is working properly how... (by closed account EACfGNh0)
by zxcvbn
RS485 Pinout when using PyModbus
[4 replies] Last: [quote=CodeMonkey]RS-232 has a minimum of three wires for full duplex.... (by TheBeardedQuack)
by Thomas1965
Firefox source code online
[1 reply] : that's cool. (by closed account GTbMSL3A)
by Kevin S
Need a programming partner-US east coast
[3 replies] Last: I'm also interested in that. Inbox me. I am an advanced-intermediate C... (by CroCo)
by Disch
Help with modern GUIs?
[8 replies] Last: i've heard GUIs are hard to debug. (by closed account GTbMSL3A)
by nitinlal
cup game program
[1 reply] : I like playing cup games with people's cups. the program's quite hard... (by closed account GTbMSL3A)
by sgt503ace
Programming Discord
[2 replies] Last: For the benefit of any readers. This Programming Discord server and ... (by TheBeardedQuack)
by Uk Marine
Dark sides of the games industry
[1 reply] : A comprehensive topic you could talk about are what responsibility the... (by Ganado)
by helios
Streaming over TCP
[8 replies] Last: Alright then. (by toad)
by football52
Web servers and user timing
[3 replies] Last: I guess it would depend solely on your specific project and use case. ... (by Z e r e o)
Where to learn A* |
[3 replies] Last: I almost bought the ebook version of that, but I can't afford the $60.... (by BHX)
by Taglialegna
An open source utility library
[2 replies] Last: util::normalize() divides by zero if all elements in the input are zer... (by helios)