Lounge - April 2015 (Page 4)

Best test to give to a used gpu before purchase
Hi, I'm thinking of buying a used GPU and I'm wondering what is the best test I could ask the guy to do to the card before I buy it to see if it's worth it and ...
[2 replies] Last: No way to know how much time an used gpu will last you. Never had a bu... (by S G H)
Great first person shooters.
Looking for a new first person shooter on my ps3. Preferably one with an amazing campaign like MOD 2010. Thanks people. James.
[10 replies] Last: Anyone fancy a game on ps3 of a cod or battlefield or gta or minecraft... (by James27)
Libraries For Reading The ISO9660 Filesystem
I'm looking for libraries in order to read the common ISO9660 library. Given that virtually every consumer CD uses this file system, I'd expect to find plenty o...
[1 reply] : How about libarchive? It's New BSD licensed. It might offer a lot more... (by Albatross)
Reducing fractions
So, take the three fractions: (0252144/11088) (0078848/11088) (-247401/11088) How can I reduce the fractions in a way that all three have the same denom...
[1 reply] : Your given fractions are convenient because they already share the sam... (by Duthomhas)
SQL? What is it and why is it important?
Alright, I know I could Google this, and I plan on doing a little research after posting this. I'm just a fan of forum communication, because talking with other...
[17 replies] Last: You can't think of anything that fills same roll? How about YAML? (YA... (by TheBeardedQuack)
by Rawn
Cplusplus book
I would like to say that this website (and its content) is by far the best resource when it comes to learning C++. I was wondering if there are plans for a book...
[5 replies] Last: have and have, I mean, the twitter account looks as dead as an undead ... (by TarikNeaj)
CodeBlocks main.cpp does not appear
When i create a new project on code blocks a gray screen appears where the hello world should be. To the left under management the main.cpp does not appear. Whe...
[2 replies] Last: Problem is fixed, no need for a reply Thanks (by rpierre2)
Sensor Programming
I need some help in sensor program .Please suggest the roadmap Please find the requirement in Kinect sensor project. 1. First It needs to do kinect connection....
[4 replies] Last: I am having problem in getting the right values of z means ditance of ... (by Gaurav Tiwari)
by LB
What if the education system schooled parents?
For centuries the education system has been a process of parents handing off their children to public or private schools and letting teachers educate a large gr...
[19 replies] Last: @dhayden: I think that's the less extreme version of what I was thinki... (by LB)
Microsoft battles piracy... sort of (1,2)
http://mobile.reuters.com/article/idUSKBN0ME06A20150318?irpc=932 Not sure what to think. You think that gives a bad message?
[33 replies] Last: @tition: I think you forgot to properly share those files as public - ... (by LB)
how much to study? :D (1,2)
Hii.. I just turned 16 this month and I have decided to become programmer(Would like to work on Os/gaming/sites and all the cool stuff later on) So my questi...
[35 replies] Last: yeah but couldn't grasp much.... (by shadder)
April 2015 Pages: 1234
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