Lounge - April 2015 (Page 2)

When to buy a new computer
Hi, my laptop is getting slow and I want to invest in a new computer (not laptop). Do some of you are following the price of the best components out there? Shou...
[18 replies] Last: I usually just buy a new computer whenever my old one breaks down! :D (by robocop1)
Network programming
Im really new to internet programming.(Like never did it before) 1)Do I use sockets in c++ or is there another language to program. 2)I don't want to only m...
[3 replies] Last: Thank you for the quick reply! really helped me get a perspective on w... (by lordcookie)
by mindoo
don't know what to do with proggramming (1,2)
Hey guys, I'm posting on this forum because, I have a big problem with programming. I'm a teenage boy that is really interested in programming but I don't now w...
[24 replies] Last: Sorry but I can't be bothered to read all the other comments (pulls an... (by James27)
Quickly Back-up Computer?
Today of all days my external hard drive picks to fail on me. I need to back up my entire laptop before I get it fixed today, but have no idea how to go about i...
[2 replies] Last: Thank you, that's exactly what I did a few hours ago:) I was able to ... (by closed account 2LzbRXSz)
by MIZ
How to make cross platform software ?
How do you make cross platform software ? does the compiler have to be cross platform or the libaries or both ? So if i use mingw as a compiler for windows ...
[19 replies] Last: Little Bobby Tables said: and external media is treated as a fi... (by IWishIKnew)
Dead Pixels? Maybe?
My laptop is just barely a year and a half old. It's a Late-2013 Retina Display Macbook Pro, and just today I've noticed this bright spot on the left hand side ...
[14 replies] Last: The charger's on the side, and it's magnetic - so even if it were on a... (by closed account 2LzbRXSz)
by mindoo
Your PC config
Hi guys, I'm just writing this post, wondering what type of PC config you use. Whether you have a beast or just a simple laptop, I'm still curious. My PC co...
[14 replies] Last: Operating System Microsoft Windows 7 Professional 64-bit SP1 CPU ... (by closed account z05DSL3A)
Hey everyone, I have to code some assignments in pep/8 assembly. Does anyone here know pep/8 or assembly in general. I am having some trouble starting off on...
[no replies]
by MIZ
C++ Network Programming (1,2)
I want to get into C++ network programming. What libraries need to be use ? What is network programming for ? What can I do with it ? How many types are th...
[35 replies] Last: I actually learned quite a bit from this thread so thank you everyone ... (by MIZ)
by ahcfan
Is it possible to specify multiple file extension with wildcards in Windows?
For example, *.bmp finds all bitmaps. What if I want to find all *.bmp and *.png in one command? Is it possible?
[4 replies] Last: Actually it is for FindFirstFile. I asked here because I thought it wa... (by ahcfan)
by MIZ
What so good about boost libraries ?
I always hear so much talk about boost how every programmer should learn it but I can't find a exact definition on what it can do and why you need it ? Also ...
[4 replies] Last: Answer to the first question: http://www.cplusplus.com/faq/intro/#boos... (by Duthomhas)
by MIZ
How to hook a compiler onto a IDE
Hello i got a important question I normally use codeblocks which comes with minGW so i dont have to go through the process to hook a compiler up. I wanted...
[6 replies] Last: I don't think adding stuff about the command line is going to help him... (by Duthomhas)
by MIZ
C++ Libraries After Basics
Hi everyone What libraries should be used after you have finished learning all the concepts ? I know most people will say boost and stl but I want labaries wh...
[8 replies] Last: If you want to sell your program (charge people money to use it), some... (by LB)
WIX Admin rights... I don't want them
http://stackoverflow.com/questions/29164024/wix-installed-app-and-shortcut-shows-admin-symbol I'll put a short explanation here but I've also posted on Stack...
[8 replies] Last: Okay, I've got this working on the Win8 PC I was using to test, and my... (by TheBeardedQuack)
by MIZ
Creating A Lua Injector
Hi everyone I'm still learning C++ and i was wondering whats next after the basics.(What sort of projects) I have decided after im done with the basics i wa...
[9 replies] Last: If the player's games are written in Lua, can't you just modify the Lu... (by Disch)
AIs (1,2)
I am interested in building an AI, so I came up with 6 Rules for Robotics. These rules ensure good performance and that the AI doesn't turn evil :p 1. A robo...
[35 replies] Last: @tition my rule were exactly same ( except the zeroth law ).... (by shadder)
by dilver
IP address range
never mind , again , I found the solution :)
[2 replies] Last: Could you not delete your posts once you've figured out a solution? Wh... (by Zhuge)
by LB
Why do people like puzzles with multiple solutions? (1,2)
So, all the time whenever people talk about puzzle games (reviews, playthroughs, etc), the general consensus is that the games are 'better' if the puzzles have ...
[31 replies] Last: @LB that's pretty interesting. I mean, it can be frustrating, but I al... (by closed account 2LzbRXSz)
by LB
To learn HTML and CSS, I started recreating this site (1,2)
I thought you guys might be curious. It's less of a recreation and more of a re-imagining. Mostly faithful, but more to my liking. As of this post I've only ...
[21 replies] Last: I don't have a vendetta against JavaScript, I'm just concerned about y... (by LB)
Computer science, software engineering, Information System and Information Technology
Hello everyone, I would like to ask a few questions. I'm really confused on what I should choose, though I have a few years left, deciding my A level(leaving...
[5 replies] Last: Thank you lads, a follow up question. I will be doing the A levels in ... (by closed account EwCjE3v7)
April 2015 Pages: 1234
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