by htirwin
Some good inspiration
[1 reply] : :D this is really cool. especially the fsm. i needed one (by Little Bobby Tables)
Low Profile Card in a Tower? |
[9 replies] Last: The card fits and works perfectly. Thanks for the help. (by closed account N36fSL3A)
by Perry Turner
ITT Technical Corporation
[3 replies] Last: Funny, I've heard nothing but negative from for-profit schools like IT... (by ResidentBiscuit)
by football52
HTML5 player on android
[4 replies] Last: I suggest, Google. e.g. (by Mats)
by icircuit
Computer Science or Computer Information Technologies
[2 replies] Last: Congrats on the AS degree in CS. I'm in the middle of mine at a CC, an... (by leo255)
by mancool1112
Computer Science College
[1 reply] : Just out of curiosity, did you apply to any other schools, like UC Ber... (by leo255)
by BlakeK heartbleed
[6 replies] Last: Thanks for the info everyone. I was clueless as to who to ask, and I k... (by BlakeK)
by Stewbond
Decompile and recompile for another architecture
[11 replies] Last: Here's my two cents. OP haven't really specified what is that 24-bit ... (by Abramus)
by Avilius
Paranoid About People Stealing My Username
[11 replies] Last: I have several I alternate through. Cheraphy happens to be the most us... (by Cheraphy)
by LB
Useful Abuse
[1 reply] : Did you stumbled upon fact that argv is always a null pointer and t... (by MiiNiPaa)
by Cronnoc
BBC (1,2,3)
[46 replies] Last: I realize it is just an example, but Dr. Shoe? I have to admit I died ... (by BHX)
by voidStream
[6 replies] Last: Fork, make changes, submit PR, and we'll either accept it, or deny it ... (by ResidentBiscuit)
by jktexas1
Operating Systems for Summer Class
[6 replies] Last: I was referring to 15 week course (standard in the US). 45 weeks of on... (by ResidentBiscuit)
Evernote |
[12 replies] Last: AFAIK, all MySQL provides is a C interface. People have written bindi... (by Little Bobby Tables)
by nvrmnd
Sublime Text 2 font looks ugly (xubuntu)
[9 replies] Last: I love using terminus font, its amazing (by closed account 13bSLyTq)
by Mats
APIs and the web - Where to start?
[5 replies] Last: is there a pdf of it? (by Little Bobby Tables)
by dustman
I got here through a joke...
[1 reply] : Here is a GIF version: (by MiiNiPaa)
changing the laws of physics (1,2) |
[23 replies] Last: Since I didn't give any reply to the OP's original question: anyways... (by Stormboy)
by xismn
Turing Machine / Turing completeness?
[2 replies] Last: If you want a nice intro to P vs NP, I found this video to be quite ed... (by Mats)
by ntran
Programming the finite element method
[no replies]