Lounge - April 2014 (Page 2)

Tutorials unrelated to any specific language
I am looking for books or tutorial videos about techniques, ideas, aproachs, game math and etc. instead of tuts about c++ or any other language. Do you know any...
[2 replies] Last: It is was I was looking for. I found game programming gems series real... (by closed account 1v5E3TCk)
Text editor with support for C++ features
I would like a text editor for Linux that has, auto-fill(Like when you type in half the word it gives you seggestions). Good Syntax (Colour for different stuff ...
[17 replies] Last: (IMO) NetBeans is to Linux as Visual Studio is to Windows. It just bl... (by closed account 3hM2Nwbp)
by LB
Weakly/Dynamically typed languages confuse me (1,2,3,4,5)
I can't think without a strong type system like that of C++ or Java. I just cannot comprehend code without strong typing. For one, what am I supposed to do whe...
[85 replies] Last: The example of changing the number of arguments a function takes is a ... (by LB)
Opinions on starting up studio at young age? (1,2,3)
So, i am 13, and I am starting to get... pretty good at programming. In other words, I have come a long way. At this moment, there is no way I will be able to d...
[40 replies] Last: Well, like I said, last time I checked, which was a long time ago. (by AceDawg45)
by ahcfan
Has anyone ever heard of this site? You complete offers to earn coins and spend coins on pc games, gift cards, in-game items, and some other things. So far I go...
[2 replies] Last: It is. I've already checked (by lockandstrike)
You know those energy pills that they sell at gas stations?
I took half of one and ended up in the hospital with the worst panic attack I've ever had in my entire life. Was convulsing, running a fever, had a heart rate o...
[18 replies] Last: In food? I didn't know you were an enzyme. (by chrisname)
Modula 2/3
Oddly enough it seems that Modula 2 is a lot more popular. I have found no free, modern Modula 3 compilers, but a few for Modula 2. Why is the older one alot mo...
[1 reply] : Not all languages are successful. Just because you base a language on ... (by Peter87)
Pascal or Ada
I'm having trouble deciding. I have to many pros and cons for each. Ada Pros: GNATBench for eclipse (I am a java dev) GPS is a nice IDE Ada emac...
[13 replies] Last: [quote=BHX Specter]Ada has very limited resources. Only sample I've fo... (by MiiNiPaa)
Simple C++ tricks to show up
Do you guys know any simple C++ trick that can be coded in 10 minutes? My friend asked me to show him "The Magic of Programming", I mean some cool tricks. I wan...
[7 replies] Last: One line FizzBuzz solution: #include <cstdio> int main() { for (... (by MiiNiPaa)
by helios
Best syntax?
If you had to specify a binary format, which of these syntaxes would you prefer to use? format little twoscomp begin namespace Zip begin type EndOfCen...
[19 replies] Last: I don't know, it just feels like misuse. The syntax requires it but yo... (by LB)
Linux and virtual machines (1,2)
i am about to use Linux for the first time but i want to use windows applications on it What are the best free virtual machines available to allow to use mac ...
[22 replies] Last: I faced big problems when I tried to install xubuntu...It said kernel ... (by Mehrdad87)
Problems with connecting to a VPN
Hello there, So I`m having problems with connecting to a VPN through my laptop, my desktop connects but my laptop is having problems, both running Windows 8.1 ...
[no replies]
by LB
Where do photons come from? Are black holes slowly sucking up all the photons? Can they be created, and/or destroyed?
[9 replies] Last: Am I misunderstanding the seemingly clear message, or is the video ju... (by Mats)
Is the U.S. education system going downhill? (1,2,3)
I was in school today, and with state tests next week, we aren't doing much bur review to begin with. But my teachers... all year... have done absolutely nothin...
[44 replies] Last: I sit there in math not learning about things that will help me in li... (by AceDawg45)
Best free to play games
Simply curious as to what you guys would recommend as the best free to play (or cheap) computer games, either single or multi-player, and better if they can be ...
[9 replies] Last: http://www.commandandconquer.com/forums/index.php/topic/27287-cc1-down... (by MiiNiPaa)
mysqli_query does not fail, but returns empty result
I'm having a little trouble with a page in a website I'm prototyping for a speech. I can get one of my queries to return successfully, but the other returns em...
[2 replies] Last: That isn't doing anything. I put it after the queries, but it isn't o... (by GRex2595)
what it means? using Linux with windows to boost its performance? i did not get it how can it be so?
[8 replies] Last: I am not a gamer so vm is fine as per miinipaa opinion for me thanks a... (by Mehrdad87)
ants and my digital gadgets
I don't know what should i do to stop ants going inside my external HDD,laptop-keyboard,mobiles.............. They love these places i assume they love warm pl...
[2 replies] Last: Will they damage my pc? I mean ants? I think so (by Mehrdad87)
my system has 3 usb ports If I use buy usb extension and from one port i get 5 new usb ports will it affects data transfer and my system?Assume I attach 5 devi...
[6 replies] Last: My old motherboard wont support usb3 pci express card i have samsung n... (by Mehrdad87)
torrent problem
I was downloading big file like 70 gb since I had no space I used my external HDD After completion of 13 gb by mistake i pulled out my hdd in middle of downloa...
[8 replies] Last: no my download is corrupted .Any solution? By yes I mean file size is... (by Mehrdad87)
April 2014 Pages: 1234... 8
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