by DeXecipher
Why Makefiles over IDEs?
[9 replies] Last: Thanks all. I think I'll just stick to using ide's for now. (by DeXecipher)
by LB
Email server?
[8 replies] Last: I've already taken that into consideration and am not affected by it. (by LB)
by IWishIKnew
IRC: a great resource
[11 replies] Last: That's just what they want you to think. (by Lachlan Easton)
by football52
Having trouble choosing school
[8 replies] Last: I would recommend going to and finding people who are doing... (by Lowest0ne)
by sam dhillon
Game Engine programmer?
[2 replies] Last: A better term for this would be a Generalist basically he can work on ... (by CodeGazer)
by Mizfizz
Should I Learn C++ From
[10 replies] Last: If I were you I would learn C++ from a reputable book and use the reso... (by closed account z0My6Up4)
by LB
Midnight CD drive
[6 replies] Last: Use task manager to see what process is using the system. You can use... (by kbw)
Skype (1,2)
[25 replies] Last: Only problem with beginners helping beginners is that you have no guar... (by BHX)
Super Bubble Sort Contest |
[7 replies] Last: O(n) "sorting" algorithm: #include <algorithm> #include <functional> ... (by MiiNiPaa)
Game Server Design (1,2,3) |
[40 replies] Last: Decided to port my code over to SDL2_net. All the code is neatly wrapp... (by closed account N36fSL3A)
by Mats
Roguelike RPG Update && Questions
[2 replies] Last: As Disch pointed out, that is the last thing to worry about. Even AAA ... (by BHX)
by Hambone
LawnCare Madness - 3D mower game
[19 replies] Last: My question is, are the grass tiles just 3D planes with a grass textu... (by Hambone)
Bluescreen and can't update |
[12 replies] Last: excuse my language, but hirens is fucking amazing. hirens just isnt a ... (by Little Bobby Tables)
Starting an OS from a LiveCD |
[6 replies] Last: Clonezilla runs off of some *nix distro and also offers a bit-by-bit i... (by Computergeek01)
How do you make programs run faster (1,2) |
[21 replies] Last: I think angiemailo was just spamming anyways. I had to report them for... (by BHX)
by devonrevenge
simple exam questions about loops catch me out, any help
[4 replies] Last: I wonder if a good optimizer would pick up on that. Dead code elimina... (by MiiNiPaa)
NES Emulator (1,2) |
[25 replies] Last: Pre-emptive multithreading, yes. It's not worth the hassle. Co-op mu... (by Disch)
Confusing Scientific Thought experiment of mine? (1,2,3) |
[59 replies] Last: You can just look at Newton's law of gravity to see why this is (don't... (by Mats)
by mertsamilgul
C++ Book
[3 replies] Last: Also this link: (by BHX)
by Mats
E.T Atari Legend
[1 reply] : I owned it and loved it. Of course I love all games even sucky ones so... (by BHX)