Thanks Zereo, my family and I are okay. My brother was in the area (within a few blocks I guess). I was driving through Cambridge at the time, was able to swing through and pick my girl-fiend out of the downtown area.
Scary when you don't know who or why.
With all of the tech there, it's a pretty poor performance of security. I fear it will be used as an example of why the gov/whoever should put face recognition cameras in all public places.
As terrible and sad and inhuman that spiteful, thoughtless and pointless act was,
dying or being injured at the hands of a terrorist is a very unlikely thing indeed, in the UK you are 8 times more likely to be killed in police custody through no fault of your own, you don't see any one doing anything about that.
let alone peanut deaths food poisoning, even a change in policy for food, cigarettes or alcohol can lead to more deaths than ever died in terrorist attacks in the last 30 years each year.
You don't want to be putting cameras every where and imposing more 'patriot act' like policies, especially if you think you should be allowed guns because you believe in freedom.
There's some pretty sketchy stuff with it. Witnesses report that there were bomb-sniffing dogs everywhere hours before the explosions went off. There was also supposed to be a drill there, so when the explosions went off, officers told people to stay clam because it was only a drill. And days before, they announced that the bomb squad had been given new devices to aid in mass casualty situations, something that was never done for any of the prior years for this event. And the third bomb that was found was over a mile away - why and how was that found over a mile away from where attention was needed?
This all seems a little odd - I honestly hope it was just someone angry about their taxes and not actually a false flag operation like the nuts are suggesting.
It's a sad event but I'm surprised it hasn't happened more often. It's also nothing new (Atlanta church bombing, Olympic park bomber, OK city, etc...) so fortunately it's rare.
I have confidence that our gov. will get to the bottom of it. I just hope they don't overreact and invade another country because of it or further curtail civil liberties here.
@chrisname I've been reflecting on the fact that far deadlier bombings are a near daily occurrence in other countries as I read about our reactions to it happening here. The outrage is natural but it seems a bit hypocritical at times.
It's amazing how the media is manufacturing so many stories out of thin air on this.
@Devonrevenge. I've always thought of relative risk that way too, which is why I don't feel "terrified" by acts of terror. If I want to worry, I should think more about what can happen each time I load my kids into my car.
@LB I've always disregarded the conspiracy nuts, though I suppose there have been cases when they turned out to be right. The government behind the Newtown massacre? I guess I just refuse to even consider things like that.
@chrisname I feel bad about Boston and all, but seriously, in the US(Where I live) Once we get bombed (Not even bad considering other country bombing) its the end of the world. However, when we bomb other countries no one cares. Are those in the Middle East a subhuman species or something? Why do people think people are evil when we get bombed but pay no mind to when we bomb others?
thats a very good point fredbill,
they are as human as us, its easy for some to forget, I sometimes try to imagine just how alien and terrifying the D day landings must have felt, for both sides.
life can be cheap in our imagination but the reality is some heavy shit, I remember playing GTA would sometimes make me feel ill in the soul for a brief moment, did anyone else get that?
I don't care how detached some people are, can imagine visiting a place like Auschwitz will bring anyone tough or detached near tears.
EDIT: the biggest conspiracy of all is the way Americas money system and how it works, I always thought the owners of the fed reserve wanted JFK dead and knocking off a patsy before a court hearing is the oldest spy trick in the book, I believe its even happens in the bible.
But to back critics of concpiracy nuts I learned it all on a cartoon that turned out to be more awsome than it looks;
Actually I did hear about it when it happened, and I found it just as upsetting. No one, anywhere in the world, deserve to wake up one morning and get hit by a bomb.
Actually that depends where you live. In Canada, most of us, very much dislike the bombing in the middle-east and the war for oil. Also former president Bush cannot go to many countries in Europe for war crimes and was almost arrested when he came to Canada the last time, (he would probably get arrested if he comes again).
There is a lot of sketchy stuff going on all the time. The problem is that people are gullible and believe everything greedy, power-hungry politicians and bankers tell them. However, people still died, so whether it is, or not, the cause of something conspiratorial; it is still a sad event.
I'm too lazy to go look up the report again. but I believe documentation was declassified via the freedom of information act that confirms that the CIA proposed faking a hijaking and terrorist attack on the new york skyline as a reason to go to war with Cuba.
Well there's not much I would put past the CIA, ever heard of a book called confessions of an economic hitman? the CIA would screw economies from other countries to affect Cubas economy, quite the route to go, what the hell do they have against little old Cuba?
Cuba would be doing really well and the people would be a lot better off if the US would allow trade with Cuba
Well there's not much I would put past the CIA, ever heard of a book called confessions of an economic hitman? the CIA would screw economies from other countries to affect Cubas economy, quite the route to go, what the hell do they have against little old Cuba?
Devon not everything you read on the internet is true, the same applies to books also ;p. Just because a book says something doesn't mean it is absolute fact or else we would be over run by Lanisters, Voldemorts and Goblins ;p
what the hell do they have against little old Cuba?
Maybe the US doesn't like to associate with Communists? Shall we just walk on over to Iran, and North Korea and shake their hands and say lets all be friends? ;p
It also has to do with Fidel Castro led a successful revolution in 1959 that ousted the US supported Cuban government of Fulgencio Batista. Which is why the US enacted the trade embargo in the first place.
You think they would get over it by now? after all, the people would have a lot more to eat,buy and sell.
its one of those books that are true though, they use sources and references and everything! people have romantic ideas about how secret services work but they are as low or lower and more corrupt than seedy journalists.
some books about things that happened are true, otherwise we would be having winnie the pooh and eor in our nuclear reactor manuals
Blaming the CIA for something is analogous to blaming Islam for something (or any other group of people). Though in the case of CIA, I suppose we don't have many people's names to go by.
I would be more opt to blame big business than any government for the flaws of the world.
[quote = LB]This all seems a little odd - I honestly hope it was just someone angry about their taxes and not actually a false flag operation like the nuts are suggesting.
me too, man. I also hope that we show the same compassion to the perpetrator as we do the victims.
Edit: I don't seem to be able to get that quote thing working, anyone see what's wrong with it?
Wait why should the perpetrator who blew up 2 bombs and killed 3 including a 8 year old and injured 170+ be treated with compassion? He made his choice by killing people so he deserves no compassion from me. This was no accident it was meant to inflict as much harm as possible.