How much do programmers really get paid?

Pages: 123
How long does it take to be a senoir programmer? If i become one for one company and then move to the next will i get around the same pay or will i start over again? I doubt so but don't really know
How long does it take to be a senoir programmer?

10 years is a fair target, I'd say, if you don't slack off.

If i become one for one company and then move to the next will i get around the same pay or will i start over again?

Changing a job usually means 10-15% increase (otherwise why would you change?), it generally depends on how the negotiations go.
(otherwise why would you change?)

Sometimes it isn't about the money.
Sometimes it isn't about the money.

Well yes and no... The problem is that most of the time you build a lifestyle based on the money you make and cant afford taking a pay cut.
You might leave one job for another for tactical reasons. For example, a friend of mine's dad left his job for a lower-paying one because the other job had better prospects for promotion.
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How long does it take to be a senoir programmer? If i become one for one company and then move to the next will i get around the same pay or will i start over again? I doubt so but don't really know

As far as i know i havent said anything bad....Maybe not correct grammer but still:P
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Its just our resident troll going down the most popular threads and reporting all the posts
I was suspecting our troll was reading this topic once I noticed the red backgrounds, didn't even need to read that @Zereo :D

@Superpiccle, Don't worry, if your post is reported from a serious user like us, it will get deleted. If you see a report like these, it's a troll.

So, just don't worry, nothing will happen.

About the topic, the only thing I can say to you about VALVe (my favourite developers team) is that they don't research programmers, but mappers/modelers instead.

So if you bought some Source Engine games and are good with the Source SDK, you can try to appy to them here:

You can also try to apply for the Anti-Cheat section, I feel they urge some really really active developers in that section, due to the count of cheats on Source Engine games.

Cannot say much more even if I've found myself in a situation like yours.

Another tip: They will require good knowledge of English.

Also, can you list somethings you can do with the C++ language features?

Not exactly program examples... Like, I know these features:

Virtual Classes

...& co.

If you don't know at least the Classes, Overloading, Operators and Virtual Classes, you should learn them before trying to apply.

Another little tip again:
Many companies give applicants some little programming tests.
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Pages: 123