Batch Programmer URGENT HELP NEEDED!

Hello. I'm making a text based adventure game in batch, and its going really well.
But I ran into a problem.

If you try to input with space, it closes. But I have quotes around it.
Here's the code:
set /p option= "Option: "
if %option% == start goto start
if not %option% == start goto begin

Now, If you type in something with space in it, it closes.

Oh, By the way, I'm using Notepad++
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closed account (S6k9GNh0)
I think I'm done with this forum... There's not enough moderation.
I think I'm done with this forum... There's not enough moderation.

Heh. I'd say the same about the Articles section. But I guess I'm just butthurt over my own getting buried by others'. Not that it matters, in the end. It's all for nothing.
closed account (3qX21hU5)
Batch... Game... Ohhh what is the world coming to...

I do agree that they need a stricter stance on what articles get through or at least have a better way of sorting them...
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