SVN Tools

Pages: 12
What's your choice, if any?
I used ankh VS plugin and tortoise svn, but I've switched to git which I would recommend.
I was looking at git.

Is it easy enough to set up a local, private git server in Windows?
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I've never set up a git server but this looks helpful

I believe github and bitbucket offer a limited number of free private repos.

EDIT: Bitbucket has unlimited private repos but limits users to 5.
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Perforce is also worth a mention (I think it uses something different to svn though), tortoise is one of the best.
closed account (S6k9GNh0)
I find both git and mercurial very impressive.
git is awesome but takes some time to learn. Inconsistent as hell... but allmighty. :)
closed account (S6k9GNh0)
How is it inconsistent?
I like tortoise SVN. It's very intuitive.

I've never made a repository though.
closed account (S6k9GNh0)
Stewbond, in what way is it intuitive?
I use


Open kdesvn = 1 click.
Open one of the two projects I work on = 1 menu selection = two clicks.

Commit = 1 click, password type + enter.

Average kdesvn session, including clicks to fire up the program: 4 clicks and 1 second of keyboard time.

On windows I remember tortoisesvn was very easy.
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Stewbond, in what way is it intuitive?
It colour highlights SVN controlled directories, and provides a simple interface to using SVN. If you're on Windows, it's the thing to use.
closed account (S6k9GNh0)
I don't see how that resembles SVN as a version control system at all...
closed account (1yR4jE8b)
SVN ewwwww. Centralized version control is an dinosaur that needs to go extinct. Even Microsoft is abandoning it by integrating git into Team Foundation Server and Visual Studio. I would rather use no version control then use a centralized tool ever again. SVN gave me nightmares at work. Pushed to use Mercurial (w/ TortoiseHG) and never looked back.
SVN ewwwww. Centralized version control is an dinosaur that needs to go extinc.
That's not really relevant in a thread about SVN Tools.

Even Microsoft is abandoning it by integrating git into Team Foundation Server and Visual Studio.
You'd trust a Microsoft version control system? I don't think that even they use their own VCS software.

I would rather use no version control then use a centralized tool ever again.
You don't always have a choice. Not all software is this free beer open source stuff.
closed account (S6k9GNh0)
What? You can use git for commercial, closed-source(, proprietary) software.
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What? You can use git for commercial, closed-source(, proprietary) software.
If you turn up at some large company to do some work, you can't tell them that SVN, Perforce or Clearcase or whatever they're using isn't good enough, and that they'll only benefit from your services if they use git.

You're living in a dream world if you do.
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If they are using SVN, Perforce or Clearcase, it means they have poor software development process, which means either I don't want to work for them or they pay me 3x more. There are plenty of great companies using mercurial or git which would like to hire me, so why should I waste my time for fighting with svn?
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Git has a lot of plugins that let you interface with other VCS, I don't see why it's not the VCS of choice.
Pages: 12