coding or women?

Pages: 1234
Dec 15, 2012 at 6:22am
Can always tell the single men and kids on threads. They always have misconceptions when it comes to women. My son takes up more time than my wife does, and when it comes to money she rarely spends anything on herself it is always things for our son, or I get movies or games. I have a movie collection of probably 300 DVD/Blu-rays, and well over 120 PS3 games. I gave up drawing and writing as I couldn't see myself doing them as a career, but I love programming so I stick with it. My wife doesn't understand it at all, but normally encourages me to pursue it.

The problem is that everyone has done the classic saying and "judged women by their worst specimen". Women that want all the attention and money are gold diggers and prostitutes (which is a extremely small fraction of women). The majority of women out there just want a guy that will listen to them, spend time with them, and love them. Rarely do the expect gifts or money, at worse they may actually expect you to remember important dates (like when you first met, your song that you first danced to, etc.).

All the guys saying 'women take time and money' makes me think you either have had experience with the wrong type of woman or never had a woman. My wife spends her day watching tv or listening to music on youtube. As I said, my son takes up most of my time as he wants to be held on my lap pretty much all day. Don't get me wrong, I code sparingly here and there and still dabble with hobbies and have several projects going, but my family comes first.

DeXecipher wrote:
coding because coding will make me wealthy, women will drain my time and thus my money.

I know a few single programmers who have trouble paying bills and making ends meet, so I don't think that has anything to do with it either :p.
Last edited on Dec 15, 2012 at 6:23am by closed account z6A9GNh0
Dec 16, 2012 at 1:14am
@BHXSpector those single programmers probrably blow their money on things they dont need or they work for an employer who pays shitty because they have skills that involve lesser technical skills/knowledge based upon using a specific API rather than actual engineering of software APIs in conjunction. And of course the economy comes into play but in the sciences field its not as much of a problem.

I dont want a woman until i get rich and "make it" thats my philosophy, the faster I reach that goal the better, until then I will spend time developing and networking with that goal in mind.
Last edited on Dec 16, 2012 at 1:20am
Dec 16, 2012 at 2:29am
DeXecipher wrote:
I dont want a woman until i get rich and "make it" thats my philosophy, the faster I reach that goal the better, until then I will spend time developing and networking with that goal in mind.

The down side of that view is that then you won't know if she is with you because she loves you or your money as getting rich will just attract the gold diggers. That is why I'm happy that I'm married and have a son as I know we truly love each other and aren't together just for money.
Dec 16, 2012 at 8:34pm
I dont want a woman until i get rich and "make it"

This is truly terrible, the american dream has a lot to answer for.

you should really transcend material wealth and religion or face self destruction/boring meaningless life.
Dec 16, 2012 at 8:39pm
I dont value material wealth, I just rather do something for my family (immediate), I'm not an older person. I'm a student, I believe in god and I follow the word but I also think for myself. I value success over having a relationship because I'm just not interested in women at this stage of my life. The American Dream doesn't exists its a lie the government fed to people in the 50s through propaganda.
"Its called the American Dream Because you have to be asleep to believe it"-George Carlin

You looked too deep into my previous statement to see something negative that doesn't exist in me.

EDIT: Your "either or" logic reducing a complex subject to some novelty unrelated outcome is logical fallacy.
Last edited on Dec 16, 2012 at 8:45pm
Dec 17, 2012 at 10:22am
Nice angle DeXecipher, If your traditional i suppose you can still think logically about relationships, kind of the point of tradition really.

Though i think complex issues can be broken into either or situations, science is turning things into forms so they can be managed, this is what programmers do.

Besides its provided hours of amusement theres some funny shiz here, you guys can give deeper and complexer thought to even the shallowest of things, i think its a unique phenomenon fur the net
Dec 17, 2012 at 2:18pm
@DeXecipher: I hope a beautiful and amazing woman comes along and puts a spanner in your
 if ((rich&&made_it)||(rich))

(ya big hypocrite :P)
Dec 17, 2012 at 2:46pm
DeXecipher wrote:
The American Dream doesn't exists its a lie the government fed to people in the 50s through propaganda.

50s?! Are you serious? "The American Dream" was the motivation for why so many kept immigrating here as far back as the mid to late 1800s.

American Dream Definition wrote:
The American Dream is a national ethos of the United States, a set of ideals in which freedom includes the opportunity for prosperity and success, and an upward social mobility achieved through hard work.

"Its called the American Dream Because you have to be asleep to believe it"-George Carlin

Says that guy that made it rich by being cynical about everything. Carlin was one of those rare guys who made it rich and it never changed him so you would never think he had money. Don't get me wrong, I agree with a lot of what Carlin says, but when it comes to that I falter as he is rich and was actually talked to by news channels in regard to politics (and only well off people get to sit in the studio talking to the reporters about politics).
Dec 17, 2012 at 3:52pm
lol, I did make up the stuff about the 50s but my point was the American Dream is not one size fits all in this era. If I do become successful I will pull a "Coming to America" to make sure I'm not dealing with a "gold digger".
Last edited on Dec 17, 2012 at 3:56pm
Dec 17, 2012 at 5:05pm
Does the woman speak my language ?
if (understandwoman==False)

Dec 17, 2012 at 9:14pm
closed account (zb0S216C)
devonrevenge wrote:
"coding or women?"

Maybe you should stop creating meaningless threads with questions/choices that have little sense. I've seen you create numerous threads which ask questions that are pathetic and childish. In this particular question, you're asking for an answer which depends on:-

-- Personality
-- Emotions at the time of being asked
-- Whether or not "coding" is the profession of the person being asked
-- General personal preferences
-- Whether or not the person actually wants a relationship

Any true human would choose a companion over a hobby/profession. Why? Because a hobby/profession can be suspended and then resumed at a later time whereas a relationship cannot. In conclusion, the logic of this question is flawed.

@devonrevenge: What do you actually do in your spare time? I hope it isn't thinking of dumb questions like the ones you've been producing lately. Something tells me that you're the sort of person that fails to poses the maturity & logical thought to be a successful software developer -- "coding or women?" says it all, really.

On a personal level, I couldn't take you seriously if you were a colleague of mine. If you want people to take you seriously as a developer, behaviour in a more mature manner, stop writing on a nursery level and actually program something; that's why you're here anyway, isn't it?

Last edited on Dec 17, 2012 at 9:15pm
Dec 17, 2012 at 9:33pm
@Framework lol someone is too serious for this thread.
Dec 17, 2012 at 10:57pm
Ironic that you call someone else's logic flawed, right after committing a blaring logical fallacy (No True Scotsman, or in this case, "[no] true human"). Also, given how much of an overreaction your post clearly is, and as someone who prides himself on emotional self-control, I don't think I could take you seriously as a colleague: I'd feel I was walking on eggshells all the time.

Granted, the thread is pretty immature, but take a look at the number of people who replied positively. Clearly the rest of us are fine with it - he isn't spamming or being offensive, after all.

Also, as to your assertion that we should all choose our companions over our hobbies, for me, that's entirely dependent on the individual value that the companion in question has to me. Yes, I'm saying I'd rather program than be friends with some people. Nothing is inherently valuable, some people become valuable to me because of the way they benefit me, emotionally and physically. I know it sounds very cold of me, but that's the way it is, whether one chooses to accept it or not. We are valued by what we can do for other people, not what we are.
Last edited on Dec 17, 2012 at 10:58pm
Dec 17, 2012 at 11:21pm
frameworks right the logic is flawed shoulda used xor not or...everything else mother Theresa said up there just confirms what i think about stoke on trent, i couldnt work with you either dude, when i was young i tattood both my hands cos i heard that people who cared about that kind of thing wouldn't employ me, i would rather be locked up for mugging mugs than working with them...they are both prisons

incidentally autistic types would prefer coding to company and coding attracts autistic types (by type i mean anywhere in the autistic spectrum) there are other niches that attract people of similar personality, strange really
Last edited on Dec 17, 2012 at 11:53pm
Dec 18, 2012 at 2:03am
DeXecipher wrote:
I will pull a "Coming to America" to make sure I'm not dealing with a "gold digger".

Wait, you're going to marry the daughter of a manager of McDonald's in Queens? :o Couldn't resist the joke.

Seriously though, I don't know what concerns me more. The fact that you just used a movie with a fictional story as a serious way to find a wife. Or the fact that you think it is possible in this era to find a woman that wouldn't know who you were if you became rich. You would have to go to some third world country with no news/internet to find her and hope she doesn't have some deadly disease or find a woman here that could care less about world problems and never seen you on the news or in the magazines that show 'new money' rich bachelors.
Dec 18, 2012 at 4:12am

Do you read cracked? Cause they totally just had an article with that same philosophy on life
Dec 18, 2012 at 9:26am
closed account (zb0S216C)
chrisname wrote:
" I don't think I could take you seriously as a colleague: I'd feel I was walking on eggshells all the time."

In this particular case, you'd have to be serious.

devonrevenge wrote:
"frameworks is right the logic is flawed shoulda used xor not or"

Not funny.

devonrevenge wrote:
"everything else mother Theresa said up there just confirms what i think about stoke on trent"

Oh? How did you manage to generalise then entire population of Stoke-on-Trent from the post of 1 user? Have you even been to Stoke-on-Trent? Also, I'm curious: what was "confirmed"?

devonrevenge wrote:
"when i was young i tattood both my hands cos i heard that people who cared about that kind of thing wouldn't employ me, i would rather be locked up for mugging mugs than working with them...they are both prisons"

That made no sense at all.

Dec 18, 2012 at 9:59am
uhm that stoke on trent was a boring place filled with boring pedantic people, the other thing makes sense in my head
Last edited on Dec 18, 2012 at 9:59am
Dec 18, 2012 at 10:14am
closed account (zb0S216C)
devonrevenge wrote:
"stoke on trent was a boring place filled with boring pedantic people"

You couldn't be any more wrong. You've used pedantic to describe the population of Stoke-on-Trent which is defined as:

1. Like a pedant, overly concerned with formal rules and trivial points of learning.
2. Being showy of one’s knowledge, often in a boring manner.
3. Being finicky or fastidious, especially with language.

If you knew anything about Stoke you'd know that it's voted one of the worst places to live in the UK; high crime rate being one of the contributing factors. I don't know about you, but criminals in this area don't follow rules, the majority of the population are semi-intelligent and we aren't picky; we accept everything that comes our way.

I've accepted the fact that you're from London where the majority of the snobs & stuck-up residents of the UK reside. The only reason why you're targeting a low-income county is because it's "easy". You're an arrogant, stuck-up being with no consideration of others. F**k you.

Last edited on Dec 18, 2012 at 11:22am
Dec 18, 2012 at 1:38pm
I've accepted the fact that you're from London where the majority of the snobs & stuck-up residents of the UK reside.

woooh now whos generalizing and being a hypocryte?? i was gonna ask why you show up just to be all judge mental and high horsee, i was gonna say if you aint gonna play dont join in....but now you are, and your being everything you are accusing me off haha

The only reason why you're targeting a low-income county is because it's "easy"
eh? no i just heard about what we in london and devon call "stoke on trenty-ness"

and no im not londonian im DEVONIAN the greatest place on earth, us Devonians have pride integrity and never grow up not ever nope wont happen :P
no matter what the borring mean arse from stoke on trent says

F**k you.

You normally say more intelligent things than this.
Last edited on Dec 18, 2012 at 1:53pm
Pages: 1234