coding or women?

Pages: 1234
Dec 11, 2012 at 6:02pm
that reminds me of a bad (not sexist when you think about it) joke...

why are there no female producers?

cos they don't use logic or reason XD
Dec 12, 2012 at 12:39am
Well if you think about it then you start wondering female producers in what field? As there are female producers in several fields. Joke is way too vague to be funny.
Dec 12, 2012 at 1:11am
I believe he meant programmers. It makes far more sense that way.
Dec 12, 2012 at 11:45am
you do know logic and reason are sequencers? you know for music...
Dec 12, 2012 at 3:28pm
Truth table for the win!
Dec 12, 2012 at 7:13pm
pogrady wrote:
You could always just write your own algorithm that simulates a womans personality.

That would bring a whole new meaning to the term "sanity check".

If you guys find yourselves having to give up your hobbies for the sake of your SO then you are in what is called a toxic relationship and it will never last.
Dec 12, 2012 at 7:39pm
^ That's entirely dependent on what your hobbies are.
Dec 13, 2012 at 2:09am
Computergeek01 wrote:
If you guys find yourselves having to give up your hobbies for the sake of your SO then you are in what is called a toxic relationship and it will never last.

What?! That isn't even close to the definition of toxic relationship. If you find yourself giving up hobbies for the sake of your SO, it is called life. A toxic relationship, by definition, is a relationship characterized by behaviors on the part of the toxic partner that are emotionally and, not infrequently, physically damaging to their partner.

If you are having to give up hobbies because your SO is pulling a " you have to chose between me or <x hobby>" that is pussy whipped. Though, you will find, that if you are truly dedicated to your SO, you will end up realizing you must give up some hobbies to focus on your SO. Choosing a hobby over your SO will make your relationship never last.

Programming is actually the only hobby I cared to keep after getting married and even went to college. I dabble in my other hobbies, but don't mess with them in depth like I do programming. My other hobbies were drawing (in multiple media forms), music, and writing.
Dec 14, 2012 at 5:02am
If you are having to give up hobbies because your SO is pulling a " you have to chose between me or <x hobby>" that is pussy whipped. Though, you will find, that if you are truly dedicated to your SO, you will end up realizing you must give up some hobbies to focus on your SO. Choosing a hobby over your SO will make your relationship never last.

I don't think so. If your wife expects that you give up things to show your love for her then maybe she isn't the one.
Dec 14, 2012 at 5:14am
Relationships take sacrifice. They require time put into them, less free time = less time for hobbies. I can no longer sit around the house all day on my days off and play video games. Eventually my SO would get tired of that.
Dec 14, 2012 at 6:52am
This thread now reminds me of Krieger from Archer who has created his own japanese anime hologram girlfriend who he wants to marry.

Wouldn't that be awesome?
Dec 14, 2012 at 11:17am
Dec 14, 2012 at 4:34pm
pogrady wrote:
I don't think so. If your wife expects that you give up things to show your love for her then maybe she isn't the one.

All women want their man to pay attention to them, a woman will want you to give things up so that you can spend time with her. If your SO isn't wanting attention from you and let you sit hours on end doing your hobby, chances are your SO is finding her needed attention from someone else. I'm happily married (have been with her 11 years, 9 of them with her as my wife), given up drawing and writing, have a seven year old son and slacked off on my programming.

Resident Biscuit said it better than I ever could. If you aren't willing to sacrifice hobbies for your SO then you aren't ready to be in a serious relationship.
Dec 14, 2012 at 4:43pm
I saw a math proof once that women = evil. It went something like:

Women take require time and money, written thus: Women = Time * Money.

It is a common axiom that time is money, so: Women = Money * Money, or Women = Money^2.

It is also widely held that money is the root of all evil so: Women = Evil*Money^2-2.

Therefore : Women = Evil.

Maths don't lie! I'll take the code. ;)
Last edited on Dec 14, 2012 at 4:44pm
Dec 14, 2012 at 4:51pm
closed account (1yR4jE8b)
If you aren't willing to sacrifice hobbies for your SO then you aren't ready to be in a serious relationship.

Compromise, maybe, but never sacrifice; and I would never expect anything more from my SO either.
Dec 14, 2012 at 4:51pm
What is a compromise, if not a mutual sacrifice?
Dec 14, 2012 at 5:40pm
Raezzor wrote:
It is a common axiom that time is money, so: Women = Money * Money, or Women = Money^2.

That translates to this for me:
if(women == money)
      std::cout << "You are dating a prostitute!\n";
      std::cout << "Congratulations! You found a real woman!\n";

Resident Biscuit wrote:
What is a compromise, if not a mutual sacrifice?

Exactly! Funny how so many don't get that you will always sacrifice something for your SO. Though I do love how they try to finesse sacrifice by using compromise, but compromise ultimately is just as you said, you are sacrificing an aspect of your argument and them theirs to make the compromise work.
Dec 14, 2012 at 9:26pm
There are so many different levels of sacrifice as well, and not all of them end with a ball & chain around your ankle. Making small sacrifices for the sake of your loved one is the same thing as making a sacrifice for your best friend, but for some reason sacrificing for your SO has a bad stigma associated with it. It may be more long term, but your relationship with your SO is also more important in most cases than your relationship with a friend.

It works the other way around, too. If you want to have kids with your SO and you're not the one popping out the baby, your SO will be sacrificing part of her professional career to make that happen. Sometimes this can be a big deal, other times it's not. It all comes down to what you're willing to sacrifice or compromise on, but it's not like us guys are the only ones sacrificing something (at least in a healthy relationship).

Heck, the same thing could be said about getting older. You gain new responsibilities that bump hobbies to the back of the line. How many of us were hardcore gamers in our younger years but now-a-days play less and less? It's not always because of the SO, that's just life. You could always shirk the responsibilities, just as you can choose to not have a SO.
Dec 15, 2012 at 1:44am
closed account (3hM2Nwbp)
if(women == money)
      std::cout << "You are dating a prostitute!\n";
      std::cout << "Congratulations! You found a real woman!\n";

I think your else branch is missing a step.


Woman getWoman(list<Woman>::const_iterator iter)

  static Woman imaginary;

  if(iter == women.end())
    return imaginary;
  else if(!iter->isProstitute() && 
              iter->isSingle() || 
                (!iter->isMarried() && 
                (this->canKickAss(iter->getSO()) && 
            !iter->hasCellPhoneAttachedToHead() && 
    return *iter;
    return getWoman(++iter);

int main()
  list<Woman> fish = World.getWomen();
  Woman perfect = getWoman(fish.begin());
a stack overflow has occurred at 0xCFCA9592...try narrowing down your search terms and trying again.
Last edited on Dec 15, 2012 at 1:53am
Dec 15, 2012 at 2:30am
coding because coding will make me wealthy, women will drain my time and thus my money.
Pages: 1234