Help me be evil

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Since we've switched topics, can I say that I agree with the theory that each Windows version alternates between good and bad?
Have you guys even tried W8? :P
You click on the square named "Desktop", and it's pretty much exactly like W7 >:|
closed account (zb0S216C)
@Kuzco: Yes, I've tried it, and yes it is like Windows 7, but that's not the point. The fact is Windows 8 is meant for tablets, not desktop PCs. Besides, the theme is fugly and it's horrible to use.

Yes, it's like Windows 7 except you can't have more than one window open at a time (maybe "Windows 8" plural is a misnomer, heuheuheu), it has an overly minimalist (read: ugly*) theme, the menu is annoying and unsuited to desktops and laptops, and the fact that your accounts are cloud-synced is just ridiculous.

* note: I'm generally pro-minimalism but Metro is just ugly.
closed account (1yR4jE8b)
except you can't have more than one window open at a time

It really pisses me off when people spread this outright lie.
closed account (o1vk4iN6)
You can only have 1 and 1/10 of a window, my bad for rounding.
I'll be completely honest, I don't think windows 8 is bad. At all. Not great by any means, but not bad. It sure as shit isn't the second coming of vista.
except you can't have more than one window open at a time

At the very least, don't be ambiguous while making an argument. You're referring to Windows 8 Apps, this doesn't apply to desktop apps. Xerzi, you're referring to approximately 3/4 and 1/4. 1/10 is a gross exaggeration.

and the fact that your accounts are cloud-synced is just ridiculous.
... you're not forced to cloud-sync your account. The laptop that I'm running on uses a local account, and Windows doesn't even bother me to put it online.

Now, I'll agree that the Windows 8 apps and start menu are generally for touch devices. The buttons are giant and it takes forever to navigate. But that's why they kept the desktop functionality in there, and on top of that, they gave the start menu some extra features for searching. It's snappier, allows you to be more precise in your searches, and displays a LOT more results when you're looking for something.

So, let's say we throw out the Windows 8 UI, since that's what I've essentially done (I do like the aesthetic, though.) There are still plenty of improvements over Windows 7 that make Windows 8 appealing to desktop and laptop users (I belong to both, and have Windows 8 on both.) The task manager has been given a major face-lift and is MUCH more comprehensive than before, the quick-access utilities (accessed by right-clicking on the bottom-left of the screen) are a boon for people that mess with their computers (read: most of us), they've reworked the taskbar to run on multiple monitors without modification (I'm using two monitors right now), and let's not forget the immensely faster boot times.

I'm sure there's plenty more, but my point is that there are as many new toys and boosts for hardcore PC enthusiasts as there are for people who support the whole... giant UI thing which I'm personally not so big on.
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@darkestfright, NGen
The last time I used it, I ran Internet Explorer from the new retarded Start menu and had to drag the mouse from the top of the screen to the bottom for no reason to close it. I just used it again and discovered that by clicking Desktop, you can use it almost like Windows 7. So, it's not as terrible as I thought. It's still unintuitive. It should take seconds, not minutes (and multiple Google searches) to learn a new UI. When I first used Android it took me all of five seconds to be completely accustomed to the UI, and even if that wasn't the case, Android would have an excuse because it's running on a smartphone. There is literally no reason to put a smartphone-style UI on a 1080p monitor. I don't need to save that much screen space! I'm not using my fingers to manipulate the screen! I want buttons, not gestures!

I will admit, the improvements to the task manager are impressive (I didn't notice before) and it does seem to boot much more quickly. So yes, ignoring the UI, it's good. But you can make almost anything seem good if you ignore its biggest flaw, and IMO the UI is too much to ignore.
It should take seconds, not minutes (and multiple Google searches) to learn a new UI.

it only took me a couple of seconds to figure out various changes in the UI. Honestly, I like the new UI. I just wish metro apps had better support for multiple monitors. Can't have two metro apps open at a given time.
The UI is as significant as you want to make it. For me, it's just sorta' there and I don't use it much. Boot the computer, click the Desktop button and that's all I ever see of it. But I'll agree that one of the largest features in Windows 8 wouldn't be simply passed over if it was any good, so I will also agree that the Metro UI is a failure for desktops and laptops. Still, the rest of the features of Windows 8 make it worth an upgrade. (It's cheap anyway, so I don't see why not.)
closed account (1yR4jE8b)
The people that wrote the Metro Mail App should be fired, but using other Metro apps isn't that bad, especially some of the third-party apps that are in the store. The Netflix and Skype apps are great, for example and I don't find switching between Metro and regular Desktop apps that bad at all.
You could take the thermal paste off the CPU so it overheats, would boot up for a while then will cause the computer to overheat. But the fan will still be on and working so will be tricky to find the problem unless you know what you're looking for.
closed account (o1vk4iN6)
NGen wrote:
Xerzi, you're referring to approximately 3/4 and 1/4. 1/10 is a gross exaggeration.

You must be running at 640x320, my condolences.
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closed account (1yR4jE8b)
And that ridiculously high resolution isn't a typical usecase, so acting like it applies to everybody IS a gross misrepresentation of your argument.
closed account (o1vk4iN6)
It isn't resizeable so yah, the fact such a simple feature that would make it usable for everyone isn't implemented is even grosser I agree.
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It must be multi-monitor.

There's my 1440x900; it's about 1/4, my bad.
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