Dual monitors, this is sweet!

Pages: 123
So I finally gave in and went out and bought myself a second monitor. I don't know why I waited this long! This is amazing. No more alt-tabbing to look up documentation is great. I can now actually have a project open full-screen, and be reading docs at the same time! So cool. Not to mention I can now watch netflix while I play D3 :D
I know right? It is on the programmers must have list.
Yea no kidding. Best purchase I've made in awhile.
I agree. Dual monitors are where its at. I wonder how triple monitors would be... Maybe this formula can answer:
awesomeness = constMonitorValuenumberOfMonitors 
... I've been running a tri-head setup for years (and for a short period I had five hooked up. Mind you, these monitors were very very mismatched and most weren't any where near high quality)

edit: not mine, but do want for the shear amount of cool looking http://i.imgur.com/9kjnt.jpg
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They have all that and only just surf the web ;). Can't imagine how much heat that setup puts off.
Or you could use a tilling windows manager. Like ratpoison.
... but multiple monitors looks cooler.
@ne555 dual 24s with i3wm... nuf said.
closed account (1yR4jE8b)
If you give a programmer N amount of monitors, they will find at least N amount of programs to have open across all monitors at once. It doesn't matter how much real-estate you have, you can always justify having more ;)

Just bought my 3rd monitor, saving up for a 4th.
Command Center !!


darkestfright so true... I just don't have space on my desk for another... D=
I only have one screen. Though it is 27", so I've still got a fair bit of space. :-)
I've never needed more than one and never needed anything over 19". So I have a 19" AOC monitor. Though, I could use a new tower as the fans run hard when I do almost anything (especially Minecraft or such...but it is only 6 years old :-/).
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closed account (1yR4jE8b)
Specter, once you try it you won't want to go back ;)
I had a chap on my team at work a few years ago who only used one. Watching him context switch between windows too big to have both on the monitor at once was painful. I got him another monitor and the improvement in his "flow", so to speak, was very clear to see.

Nobody needs more than one; we could do it all on a single 14" VGA monitor. It's just far, far easier to do it on (at least) two big monitors.
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Specter, once you try it you won't want to go back ;)

Will never try it, don't have the money to get a second monitor and don't have the space on my desk for a second one.
Nobody needs more than one; we could do it all on a single 14" VGA monitor. It's just far, far easier to do it on (at least) two big monitors.

I'm a programmer, I don't worry about easier. :P
I literally won't take a job somewhere that won't supply at least two monitors (which, to be fair, has not been an issue for almost a decade now). Not only is it ridiculously frustrating to have to work on such a small amount of screen space, but the corporate short-sightedness of it is a very bad indicator of company values.
A programmer's must have.
If possible, make it 3. your productivity will be increase magnificently according to ModShop's formula

I could use an extra monitor or two, especially since I like to watch movies while programming. I don't have the space, though :(
Pages: 123