Set the fractions on both sides of the equation to have equal denominators. In this case, 6 works. Once you've done this, you can practically get rid of the denominators altogether - the numerators become the only parts of the equation. Then you can just solve like normal.
(x-2)/2 - (2x+7)/3 = (-5)/2
- Original Equation
(3(x-2))/(3(2)) - (2(2x+7))/(2(3)) = (3(-5))/(3(2))
- Multiplying the numerators and denominators of each term appropriately
(3x-6)/6 - (4x+14)/6 = (-15)/6
- As a result of the multiplication, all terms have a denominator of 6
(3x-6) - (4x+14) = -15
- Got rid of the denominators, now just solve like normal.
3x-6 - 4x-14 = -15
-x - 20 = -15
-x = 5
x = -5
Note: The second step just looks convoluted because I tried to write it all out on one line.