Exceptions in C

It's currently in the alpha stage (read: there are lots of bugs, it depends on gcc + glibc, and probably only works on Linux (maybe on Windows with Cygwin or even MinGW, but certainly not with MSVC)) and some of the code is very ugly, but I got it partially working.

'try' and 'catch' work, 'otherwise' doesn't work, and 'finally' hasn't been implemented yet. It also leaks memory because I can't think of a reliable way to free exception structures automatically without freeing them before the user gets an opportunity to use them.

#include <exception.h>

int idiv(int numerator, int denominator)
	if (denominator == 0)
		throw(EXCEPTION_DIVISION_BY_ZERO, "Integer division by zero");
	return numerator / denominator;

int main()
	try {
		idiv(1, 0);
	} catch (EXCEPTION_ANY) {
	} otherwise {
		printf("No exceptions occurred.\n");
	} finally {
		/* Clean-up code */
	return 0;
Exception thrown: "division by zero" exception occurred:
	src/ex002.c:6: idiv: Integer division by zero
Stack trace:
	 1. /home/chris/Projects/Experiments/exCeptions/lib/libexception.so.0(+0x10ba) [0x7f5cef9250ba]
	 2. /home/chris/Projects/Experiments/exCeptions/lib/libexception.so.0(__throw+0x12d) [0x7f5cef92521c]
	 3. examples/bin/ex002() [0x40082c]
	 4. examples/bin/ex002() [0x400879]
	 5. /lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/libc.so.6(__libc_start_main+0xed) [0x7f5cef5a630d]
	 6. examples/bin/ex002() [0x400739]

The stacktrace isn't very good, but there's nothing I can do about it AFAIK.

Source, binaries, etc.: http://www.mediafire.com/?1e24lxrc4u741rc

Note: You need to put LD_LIBRARY_PATH=/where/you/extracted/the/archive/lib:$LD_LIBRARY_PATH before the name of the program to run an example.
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Exceptions in a language that doesn't have any means of automatic cleanup? Seems like a bad idea.

It's hard enough being exception safe in C++. In C it seems like it'd just be nuts. Every function that does any sort of allocation would have to be put in a try block.
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It was an idea, I never said it was a good idea! :P

Also, it uses setjmp/longjmp... like goto, only worse.

p.s. one of my favourite things to do in C is add things the language doesn't support by default. I've done garbage collection and now exceptions. Next are OOP (I tried this before but it didn't quite work) and FP.
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closed account (1yR4jE8b)
Sooo....turning it into C++?
Not quite, more turning it into an amalgamation of several languages.
Also, in a way, I'm learning how those things work.
I suggest you look at the source code of C++ compilers such as GCC to see how they implement this.
However, I have never heard about otherwise and finally in C++ exception.
I prefer a more practical approach :)

If you've ever looked at other languages with exception handling, some of them (Python and C#, for example) have an 'else' clause, which is what to do when an exception hasn't occurred. I would have just used else, but I needed an extra brace (like try { } catch (...) { } } else { }) because of the way 'catch' is defined. Obviously I couldn't redefine 'else's, I had to make a new one.

Python and C# also support a 'finally' clause, which is code to run before exiting the function, regardless of whether an exception was thrown. I haven't implemented it because I don't know how.
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