Which language next?

You are viewing this topic, means that you already know C++ (or maybe learning).
I am thinking of learning Python and PHP next (doesn't mean that I'm quitting C++ or anything like that). Python because its so robust, powerful and multipurpose (maybe less than C++, but I thought it would be nice if I were to learn a scripting language) and PHP because, well its PHP and it rules the web.
So, you guys planning to learn any new language?? And any reasons to learn that particular language??
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It does not even have definitions for the keypresses!

How many languages do you know that have built-in support for reading key input? I can't think of any.

At Pravesh - you could try Haskell - it's pretty fun once you get the hang of it.
C++ is not a bare bones language by any means! I had to agree with rapidcoder when he said "C++ is a feature bag" (or somesuch; also, he was on a different account (xoreaxeax or xorebxebx) at the time). Not that's it's necessarily a bad thing.

I don't know if you'd consider it "built-in" but C# comes close. True, that stuff is in the .Net framework as opposed to in the language itself, but by the self-same logic you could argue that there are no built-in data types since they are all simply mnemonics for classes within the .Net framework; for example, typeof(int); returns System.Int32 (try it).

Nope, int is a built-in type in C#, it just happens to be implemented as System.Int32 in the Microsoft .NET implementation. I doubt it says anywhere in the C# specification that int has to be implemented that way.
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I would recommend exploring the .NET framework. Very heavily used by companies and is a great skill set on resume.
closed account (3hM2Nwbp)
I agree with experimenting with the .NET framework. All in all, I can say it's the most powerful, intuitive, and well documented tool that I have ever had the pleasure of working with.
@thepedestrian and @Luc Lieber
Yeah, .NET framework is cool (I even played around with VB.NET a little). But too bad that its not cross-platform.
But I've heard that it is designed to be cross platform though. As soon as that happens, I'll give it a serious thought.
I recently started learning D. It feels like a simplified C++ and has an elegant library geared for practicality.

It may not land you a job... and it may not revolutionize your thinking (as LISP is claimed to do, and as Assembly actually does)... but if you want to accomplish simple tasks, where you have the feeling C++ opposes you, D may be the answer.

Anyways: .NET was NOT designed to be cross platform (maybe cross platform as in different windows versions, but that's it, really). C# in itself though isn't platform dependent.
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