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is it true that all programmers like anime?

Pages: 12
i like programming and i like anime then again i am 14.I was wondering because everyone that i meet that likes programming loves anime.I know this may sound ridiculous but im being serious.
Well I like some anime like Initial D, Slam Dunk and Chuuka Ichiban. I don't think all programmers like anime though. Except maybe for the generation of programmers born from the 90s and 2000+ (if you're from a western country) or late 70s - 2000s (if you're from asia). I still remember the days of Voltes V and astroboy from my childhood. :P

Anime only seemed to gain popularity in the west after pokemon I mean. o_O
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Lol, pokemon really did bring it out into the open.. But, one of oldest friend's older brother was into it when he was a kid (in the 80s) and all of his friends were into, and so were we.

Though I'd like to point out that this sort of question will almost invariably be answered with a no.

Chances are if you're generalizing to a society and asking if every member of that society has an interest in a topic unrelated to that society, the answer will be no.
I don't like anime or manga, and I am a huge fan of programming - writing code is literally exhilarating for me - I'm a really logical/literal thinker. It's probably why I'm not good at detecting sarcasm...
I think it is not 'anime' but robotech was awesome (however I didn't see it full)

But now it seems to be rather slow, so went to manga.
The last one I saw was 'Ashita no Joe'

@xander337: Well, but it's interesting that "men in their 20s who purchase beer on Fridays are also likely to buy a pack of diapers"
Right, there's a correlation there. But there's a difference between things being correlated and one thing always implying another.
I don't like anime, just to put it out there.
As with many things, it depends on the anime.
*also does not like anime*
closed account (S6k9GNh0)
I lurv anime
I'm very picky about what anime I watch. Animation, Art, Plot, dialog, themes, voice acting, if any one of those things are off putting to me I wont be able to watch it..
closed account (o1vk4iN6)
I try not to classify things so broadly but I do watch several animated shows. Like any entertainment I usually enjoy a good story, it doesn't matter to me if it's acted or animated. Some people don't seem to be able to coupe with the fact that it's animated, I enjoy it cause it allows for a less than realistic plot (futuristic, aliens, etc...) generally you'd only ever see CGI in movies where they have a larger budged, such as Avatar. Tv shows I find don't have the budget to make it look believable enough for me, other than having a good laugh over how bad it really is with some buddies.
I don't like so the answer to the original question is obviously: No.
I don't like anime at all.
What is anime? Cartoon?
@sohguanh Anime is basically just japanese-style cartoons.
I see. Then I think I see more Western cartoons. My favorites are Tintin, Asterix and Smurfs. Yes those small little blue creatures are my favorite. And yes blue is my favorite color during those growing up years :P

I also like Tintin's dog and Asterix partner Obelix? :P
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I disagree with both of you.
Pages: 12