I need a laugh

Anyone got anything funny or amusing that is computer related that they can share? I need a laugh.
I remember back in year 8, I was learning BASIC and we had to write the program on punch cards which got sent somewhere to compile and run. Mine came back a week later with a syntax error!
C++. Where friends have access to your private members.
You may find something here: http://www.poppyfields.net/filks/
^ I love that one.

Not sure if you'll find it funny, but I did:

A computer is a stupid machine with the ability to do incredibly smart things, while computer programmers are smart people with the ability to do incredibly stupid things. They are, in short, a perfect match.
closed account (3hM2Nwbp)
Hours of enjoyment:


* May very well be the ultimate satirist of the century.
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I farking love XKCD.

http://xkcd.com/137/ When I read this one I more or less fell in love with Randall Munroe. (not particularly funny, but thought provoking and inspiring, also NSFW by use of some language)

For people who are constantly having to help relatives and friends with their technical difficulties:

And for any fans of general relativity:
Uncyclopedia: http://uncyclopedia.wikia.com/wiki/Main_Page

here's uncyclopedia's tale on C++ (C=C+1):

“C is like sodomy: when you think the worst is over, you meet the ++.”
~ Oscar Wilde on dplusplus :P
I spent 15 minutes picking out a ton of humorous quotes to post here...only to have my internet cut out just as I clicked submit...
Language fanboy::returnBetterLanguage(Language A, Language B) {
    return (A > B ? this->favorite_language : this->favorite_language);

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@xander337 Unlucky. That's happened to me in the past so now I CTRL+A, CTRL+C everything. Occasionally, though I CTRL+A, C everything and lose my post that way...

@Albatross So true.

And you can do that much more efficiently in Java.


Unclopedia wrote:
A unique characteristic of C=C+1 it that it lets your friends handle your private parts. With the std or sexually transmitted disease namespace now in the language, it is essential to have your private parts protected.
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