Ouch my GUI hurts.

closed account (3hM2Nwbp)
I didn't really leave myself room to expand to add more customizations in my GUI, and now I'm dreading having to redo the interface :(

I need to add:
* Custom Text Above Barcode ( with font select )
* Custom Text Below Barcode ( with font select )
* Barcode Justify (L, C, R)

Here are some images of the (effective, yet very ugly) GUI as of now...


This is the part that I always get stuck on, having the invisible system running perfectly, but not being able to make an attractive interface. Can anyone please lend an artistic eye and give me some tips on how to resurrect this flop? Thanks.
I get unregistered domain error from you link.
I initially thought hat error seem to be forcing users to register to imageshack though further research showed that it was requiring the domain to be added to the list of stream-able ones. Maybe the topic author could try using a different image hosting so we could all see what he is trying to point out.
Those links work fine for me...

BTW if the text will be the same for all barcodes you can add a button "Custom text..." or something which will show a dialog with the required options, this will require only few modifications to the GUI of the main window.

And change window title :^P
IDK what the problem is?
Seems clean to me?
I would move the control panel over to the right, for some reason my brain very strongly wants it to be on the right-hand-side.
closed account (3hM2Nwbp)
Thanks for the replies.

@chrisname - I'll see what I can do about making the user be able to "switch sides". It should be fairly easy as the components are all in split-controls (resizable control panel, print preview, and logger console). Thanks for the idea.

@blackcoder41 / jewoo - What countries are you trying to access those links from? I'm not sure which image hosts work in which countries.

I guess I'll mark this topic as resolved, thanks everyone...though it'd be nicer if Visual Studio didn't freeze for 30 seconds whenever I make a change to the GUI...guess it's re-generating the ~2000 auto-generated designer code. :(
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