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  • Click & Drag a picture box in a C++ form

Click & Drag a picture box in a C++ form

I don't mean to complain, but I have gone to forums, but not this one, and received e-mails, and e-mail and e-mails of useless codes regarding the tittle to my dilemma. Now, I am working on a C++ form, in 2008, where I click on an image and I can drag it anywhere in the form. I need help and by help I mean step by step instructions on how I can do this. Don't just give me a block of code, really comment them. If I have to declare libraries tell me and don't just assume that I know everything because I don't. Walk me through this, talk to me, be explicit.Please, tell me everything I need in order to do this!
Thank you so much and I hope to hear from you all soon. Have an awesome day!
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Could you possibly elaborate a little more? What exactly do you want help coding?
I am coding a simple form, gray and dull, that has a picture box 200 by 200 and what I want to do is click on it and drag it anywhere along the form. When I let go of the mouse the image stays at the current position of the mouse. Afterward, if I want to click on the image again and I can continue to drag it.
I think he's attempting to create a Windows form, namely some sort of box which renders one or more images that can be moved around within the form. I'm just guessing, though.

EDIT: I wish I could help, but unfortunately Windows programming is not my forte. Nor is programming with any OS-specific API...

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Hmm. I have no idea if that is even possible. I've never seen a program that worked that had a feature like that. Though I've not done a lot of Windows Forms work so I doubt I could help you. Apologies.
Just an FYI, for a better chance of being helped with this issue, I'd suggest posting under Windows Programming. That's probably the best place for something like this. Including the description you used in your second post would help.

Best of luck!


P.S.: I do believe it's possible. Maybe not with Windows forms, although I'll admit a bit of naivety here, but it's definitely possible.
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thank you
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