Your mother is so fat...

Pages: 123
wow, I was laughing a lot at yours, Luc Lieber...

...that your compiler started crying when you declared her inline.



...her tailor has pi to a million digits memorized
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closed account (z05DSL3A)
...her source code reads
10 eat
20 goto 10
... Just the measurements of her thigh exceeds an unsigned long long.
@Grey Wolf:
More like:
bool hungry = true;
while(hungry) goto McDonalds;
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...that a function used to calculate her weigth in kilograms returns a string
...that the recycle bin breaks into pieces when you delete her
...that she needs about five constructors to be created
...that she ate her own working directory
...that even while she sleeps the CPU works at 300%
...becaue she ate an endless loop
...that she is pixelated
...that the only thing she can say is: "Error: insufficient disk space."
...that any display which renders her becomes 3D
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...that "new Mother;" throws std::bad_alloc
...that 1 "gigabyte" refers to the number of mouthfuls of food she eats at a meal
...that 1 "gigahertz" refers to the level of pain you'd feel if she sat on you
...that she can't be stored even in a FAT32 filesystem
closed account (3hM2Nwbp)
...that microprocessor engineers call her the pipe expander.


...that when she fell into the crocodile pit at the zoo, she ate 9 of those poor crocodiles before they could pull her out.

Okay I'm done with jokes.
I believe being a "Mother" is a sacred duty and it comes with lots of responsibility and care and commitment in bringing up a child. All of us have a mother so we should do more to appreciate them.

As most of you are using this topic as a joke I am fine but if this drags on and drags it really get ppl on the nerves and doing a great dis-service to all "Mothers" on Earth.

Let's stop this topic ok? :)
Well said.
Let's make it a "Your father's so fat..." topic! :D
I believe being a "Father" is also a sacred duty and it comes with lots of responsibility and care and commitment in bringing up a child. All of us have a father so we should do more to appreciate them.

As most of you are using this topic as a joke I am fine but if this drags on and on, it really get ppl on the nerves and doing a great dis-service to all "Fathers" on Earth.

Let's stop this topic ok? :)
I don't get the humor here o.O
closed account (z05DSL3A)
Let's stop this topic ok? :)

Report it or stop reading it, the choice is yours.
Don't get so serious sohguanh it is posted in the lounge area after all, if this kept popping up at the top of the general c++ programming section I might be annoyed, but the lounge is made for casual discussion and general messing around.
I think the jokes are funny and clever, but I can understand how people of different nationalities could be offended.
...the rest of the universe can't hold enough information to calculate her BMI.
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This thread is hilarious.

...that your compiler started crying when you declared her inline.

Had my LMBO.

@sohguanh - really? Don't read it then!
... that to declare her waist size you have to do this:
unsigned long long [999] [999] [999] [999] [999]
...that her volume can be expressed as 4/3 * π * r3.
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Pages: 123