
Hi, what are you doing to effectively regain body strength after long term programming ?
Uh...nothing? *cough*
Lol, that's probably the standard answer. Same here :P
I do occasional exercise, but not much.
I'm 17, male, and have good genes. So it doesn't matter.
closed account (3hM2Nwbp)
My Job(s) / hobbies listed in profile. Honestly, long-term programming drives me insane to the point I have to drop it for a while.

Oh, by the way Merry Christmas - just noticed the time.
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Honestly, I don't do long term programming sessions. I do some sports, though; Tae-kwon-do. (HYAAA! :P) I used to do Hockey, too, but the team was all crapped up, so I quit.
I used to do a weird mixture of 3 martial arts, but dropped it when I moved.
Masturbation, and very rarely, sex. Passing my degree is far more important than not getting fat at the minute.
I don't think those count.
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Soccer ftw :D
And, ofcourse, gaming!
I don't really exercise much after programming. Usually I find that my back starts to hurt so I take a break and do a few push ups. A lot of my time also involves school work so usually I'm doing something along those lines after a programming session.

Going to the gym is a good way to exercise :) But I'd prefer swimming if I had a pool near me (and if I had the time)
It's strange, but I really love free-running. Being able to move at speed to get virtually anywhere without having to lose momentum around obstacles is really neat (maybe because I have the balance, flexibility, and muscles for it? I dunno). :)

EDIT: @quirkyusername
O_o... that's WTMI, sir. >_>

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Mountain biking, football (soccer), swimming, squash. And of course the xbox ensures my thumb-biceps keep toned ;)
Dude I have pretty cool finger biceps on my left hand (from guitar) and my thumb biceps are getting there. They're actually tendons, though.
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