Windows 7?

Hi guys, I'm new and interested in coding. I've looked through this forum, but i couldn't find any topics on windows 7. so my question is, is there a c++ software/programing that is compatible with windows 7. I'm really inexperienced... and wouldn't know anything, so i would appreciate the help.

Thank you.
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closed account (1yvXoG1T)
One can program in C++ on any system that has a compatible compiler. Allow me to introduce you to my personal favorite IDE Just download that and follow any instructions for getting yourself setup then prepare to write some code!

Welcome to C++
Thank you! i appreciate the help!
Neurotrace, you mentioned codeblocks above. I read up on this (I'm new also) and it stated that it is only an IDE and that it isn't a compiler. I've been practicing in Visual express 2010 for the last week and I'm still a little vague on some of these definitions (terminology).
Codeblocks is an open source IDE, Visual express in an open source IDE with its own compiler for a limited set of platforms, mainly for windows; Inno setup is an open source executable/installer only.
Is this correct?
If so, do you think that Inno would work with visual express, or are you familiar with an executable/installer that works with visual express?

Thanks for your help.

There is a specific download right under the first download link of CodeBlocks that includes the MingW compiler.
NOTE: The codeblocks-10.05mingw-setup.exe file includes the GCC compiler and GDB debugger from MinGW.
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Actually Visual Express is not open source. It's a Microsoft product.
@ hit45:

Both the Visual studio and Codeblocks have the editor and the (compiler+linker) separate. (the VS compiler+linker is something like nmake.exe+link.exe).

The only conceptual difference is that in the case of Visual studio, the same company makes the editor and the compiler, while in the case of codeblocks, they are made by different companies/organizations.

This has both advantages and disadvantages: for example, Visual studio is better integrated and runs, on the Windows sessions on my machine, faster. On the other hand, the gcc compiler is more standards-compliant, and gives sane error messages; and last but not least, Code::blocks runs on Linux.
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Trying to understand all of this still being new; If I use Visual studio express as the editor, compiler and debugger, then can I use MinGW as the (linker ?) or executable driver? Or is the fact that Codeblocks runs on Linux and won't run with my laptop?
Code::Blocks is cross-platform. It can use Visual Studio compiler and debugger.
Visual Studio is Windows-specific and it can you only the stuff that's included with it
Its even possible to code without an IDE at all! I've written piles of C and C++ programs with just Notepad. Then you can compile them from a command prompt console window by invoking a compiler on the *.cpp file like so...

cl MyProgram.cpp

Most folks don't care to do that (I usually don't either); just thought I'd mention it to clarify the distinction between a compiler and the editor/ide used to write code (code is just text files).
Thanks freddie1, that makes sense. Being a beginner, this stuff is difficult to comprehend with out some serious books/training etc. I was actually thinking about creating a quick reference/ description/ beginners instruction forum for, well, beginners to explain in a general format how all of these things work together. This would, foremost, help the beginners with the general understanding of all of these (pieces of the puzzle) but also help the forums as to minimize the newbee's basic requests.
Do you think that this would be helpful?
Sorry I hadn't checked here for a few days!

I guess if you were taking classes and had a teacher that sort of stuff would be explained there. I taught myself programming from introductory programming books and lots (years and years) of practice.

About a month ago I was at Charles Petzold's website (he's a very famous author and Windows coder extraordinaire) and he stated that programming book authors are starving. Folks such as yourself are apparently not buying many programming books, relying instead on the online community.

Just thought I'd mention that. What you suggest might be a good idea, but what about the poor starving authors??? They have to eat to you know!
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Hmmm. I'm hungry also! :).... I'm not exactly speaking of writing a book on programming, especially since I don't know how to myself! I am thinking more on the lines of a general description of it all. I don't know about how others learn or relate to learning when studying a new subject in life.

For myself though, take the V-8 engine. Before I learned how to build one, I had the luxury of watching my backyard grease monkey friends in the neighborhood show me an engine laying on the floor of their garages. I could see all the pieces and how they were put together and how they work with each other. When there functions were explained, I could see them and the explanation of there function made sense. It doesn't take me long once I could see them all together.
When it comes to a computer, I can take a desk top apart and see how these things fit together and then come to an understanding why etc. from the power source to the mother board to the video cards etc.

Now, the program??? That's another story. I can't see these little chips of bits, bites and such and how (in a general way) they work together, much less, how many parts are there that it takes to just simply write some code, burn it to a disk and then install it on another computer for just a simple "Hello world" on the screen.

I don't have that general picture or "thing" that I can lay on the garage floor and spread out so that when you guys explain these things to me, I can watch or follow how it works.

I'm thinking of an actual picture with a basic line diagram of all of the parts included. A general description of each and their function. A practical list of different brands for each and which would work with each other (again, in a general way). Then, 3 or 4 different types of program examples (just the type of program ie. video game, web site etc.) and the list of the parts needed to build that particular program from the basic to the end result. Just 3 or 4 pages or so, nothing that will win a literary award or put an author out of business. Just a tid bit of info for the newbies on some of these forums to get "the big picture" and then be able to minimize the learning curve.

I think then it would make better since to me and to other newbies. Right now, I feel like I'm trying to learn how to grind a crank shaft for months, and I don't know that the connecting rods get bolted to it for months until I'm done and then don't know about the piston for 6 more months. . I need a mental picture of it all. I learn better that way.

Any thoughts?

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