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All you ever wanted to know about, but couldn't ask...

Mar 27, 2022 at 4:11pm
For those that want the answers, Rainer Grimm's book:

"C++ Core Guidelines Explained - Best Practices For Modern C++"

has just been published. See

Mar 27, 2022 at 5:25pm
Temporarily out of stock is what I see, while the US Amazon site says it is not available and may never be in stock as a physical book.


Kindle version is available, to be released on 8 April.


I believe I will wait for it to be released on leanpub (if ever) in multi-eBook formats so I can bypass the Amazon DRM restrictions imposed on e-Books purchased through Amazon. As well as know the author will get a decent chunk of the money for the sale.

He (Rainer Grimm) has a decently priced 3-book C++ bundle at leanpub I'm saving to purchase.


I (somewhat) wonder what the UK/EU pricing for the bundle is in Pounds or Euros.
Mar 27, 2022 at 11:57pm

Cool! I really really like the writing and explanation style of Rainer Grimm. His code snippets avoids the unnecessary code jargons and as a result you grasp the core concept quickly.
Apr 17, 2022 at 5:44pm
I will have to check this out too. I love programming books that spell things out and baby you as a beginner.
Apr 17, 2022 at 10:56pm
*OUCH!* US Amazon finally has the paperback in stock, US$66.48.

The eBook is considerably cheaper.

So far it doesn't look leanpub will carry the C++ Core book. *sad*

Earlier today I purchased the leanpub 3 book bundle I linked, and glancing through the books they do look to be worth the money.
Apr 17, 2022 at 11:04pm
Another C++ book I could recommend is Best Practices by Jason Turner.

Amazon has it available as a paperback book.

One nice thing about getting the book on leanpub is there have been several updates since it was originally published. At no extra cost.
Last edited on Apr 20, 2022 at 3:18pm
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