Hello, guys.
I desire to develop a simple system to assist with common statistic, verification and accounting jobs in most of firms.
Details are as follows:
For example, when the salesmen got projects from clients, they can input the project info into a system, and then other different departmets will log into the system to confirm the order and complete it. Finally, accounting department will check if the full payment is made and pass on the info to the human resource department to calculate awards of personnel.
what knowlege should be obtainted for achieving that?
C++? Mysql? or what?
As you've sketched it out, the problem sounds too ill-defined to answer any technical questions about its solution.
then the salesmen got projects from clients, they can input the project info into a system
What sorts of projects? What sorts of details are they inputting into the system? Just arbitrary specifications? So basically this would be Google Docs?
other different departmets will log into the system to confirm the order and complete it
What does "confirming the order" involve? What exactly will other departments do to "complete the order"? Are they going to edit some kind of document? Will sales need to be able to review these changes? Again, wouldn't this basically be Google Docs?
Finally, accounting department will check if the full payment is made and pass on the info to the human resource department to calculate awards of personnel.
I'm confused by this. It's unclear whether the system does anything in this point. I'm forced to assume that it does, because otherwise you wouldn't have included this sentence. So is this hypothetical system somehow calculating rewards for personnel from... a requirements document? How is the system doing this?
wanabeahacker, That sounds like an ERP system.[1] That would be a very large project unless I've misunderstood and it is just a toy/learning project. To be honest if you are looking at that sort of line of business app, you would be better off looking at C#/.net/azure.
Hey wanabeahacker,
If you could allow me to send you a private message, I know of something that may interest you. I don't want to say it in the public forum, as it is of a somewhat sensitive nature.