
Pages: 1234
I am not so sure anymore...
I am sure and replacing Google with alternatives
I love the new Google image search.. honestly if your computer is loading the page too slow you need a better internet connection or a better browser..

Mine pops up in the same amount of time. If there is any difference in load times it is inconsequential on Firefox, chrome, and safari.. IE can barely load,, or without farting around for a few minutes.

With cooliris, and pagerize greasemonkey scripts and add-ons for most browsers, I think Google took the right step.
No, it is not to slow(it is not my internet connection/browser). I hate having to hover my mouse over the image to see information about it, it takes to long.
Really I don't see any thing wrong with the new google, but that's just my opinion.
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it takes to long.

If you're not using that as a reference of time, meaning its slow.. then how do you mean it?
When I am searching for an image, I have to hover my mouse cursor over an image for 1-2 seconds before information about it appears. IMO, it takes to long.
What an redundant "fake problem"...

Google is still perfect for most searches.
Vexer wrote:

When I am searching for an image, I have to hover my mouse cursor over an image for 1-2 seconds before information about it appears. IMO, it takes to long.

Guess it´s Your slow computer then?:P (choose between ur cpu and ur connection^^)...
What an redundant "fake problem"...

Not really sure what you mean by this, the problem I am having is real, and I am not making it up.

No, it is not my computer or my internet connection.

The way Google has done the new image search, you must hover your mouse cursor over the image for a few seconds before the information appears(I have tested this on other computers).

IN MY OPINION, it takes to long.
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now google is using SSL, why?
But i did like what i saw when i logged on to gmail
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I ment the OP...

What information do you mean, by
you must hover your mouse cursor over the image for a few seconds before the information appears
Im not sure wether im right there... but when i use the google image search there are no information appearing while hovering the images... all the info i need (size, date, link, e.g.) is right below the img...

I´m wondering to whcih google version(date) you all are referring to, saying "new" features... i cannot find anything new, that isn´t there since months... O_o
Nah.. What I see is this... I think it´s something with the settings...
Hmm... That's odd.
I tried viewing google image search with IE.. and the new image version that shows on opera, safari, firefox, and chrome, didn't show up.

IE really pisses me off so i'm going to stop talking before this post ends up a novel
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IE really pisses me off so i'm going to stop talking before this post ends up a novel

I think we all agree. IE has all this stuff that only it supports.
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Has anyone noticed the new search thing? I quite like it. It searches as you type, so you don't need to press enter. To be honest, I disabled it, but I can still see it being useful.
At least they put this new thing as optional
They're learning.
It would be good if you could disable any of the new features you wanted; I've come to accept (but not like) the new image search (it's not the search screen that annoys me - that's an improvement - it's when you click on a result) but the fade in still pisses me off.
Pages: 1234