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Do i needed start Modern Opengl? and why is hard?

Oct 22, 2019 at 11:23am
Hi i was making a video game on glut.
I using windows playsound to play sounds. When i port linux i use very limited sound library that only play mp3 files.
But i see everyone using modern Opengl but i don't want it.
My maths are very low. (School level)...
Also i dont know GLSL (opengl shading language) i only know colorizing and texturing on glsl.
Also i was using Glut since 9 months. So i made lot of code.
Loading obj files...
Loading bitmaps...
collsiion detection (if based collisions)
normal mapping (made with glBegin(GL_POINT))
height mapping that loades height from file and applies it.
Loading maps.
So they looks like cannot work on modern opengl
I heard compatibility mode but i don't know how to use it.
I know i can't get world most realistic graphics but i love using Glut.
Also i highly learned about old opengl i dont know how to use it.
So i pick some examples from learnopengl but it doesnt very good.
Also it filled console with lot of errors nevermind.
I fix it later. It worked when i go and try to modify the code its really complex and its brain burning.
everything filled with wgl i dont know what is wgl.
So why is hard the modern opengl.

I tried write my library that replicates the glut. But uses modern opengl functions and shader support. I try to use glut suffix to add it. Later this project get abandoned.

Also i tried the shaders on glslsandbox website.
But they are not works.
I cant see what is vertex what is fragment shader.
I cant compare it so i directly pasted into shader.txt file.
It have errors when compiling the shader.
when i open the app triangle disappeared.

So why i needed use modern opengl and why is hard?

Last edited on Oct 22, 2019 at 11:25am
Oct 22, 2019 at 1:20pm
gl is portable, but its not ideal on windows (windows has higher performance options). Its portability was its only saving grace, from what I recall of it. Well, that and all the schools focused on it because it was free to use and readily available etc.

graphics is not easy because there are a LOT of details to handle. A ton of things have been done for decades, but that does not make it any easier, and PC growth rate has made giant systems possible. Just think about a scene in a game... look at all the stuff it has to draw, tracking this in front of that with whatever texture reflecting how many of what kind of lights and shadows and reflections and animated surfaces (water, etc) and .... that is why it is hard.

I don't know that you do need opengl. I can't muddle out what you are trying to do in your stream of consciousness wall of text.

examples that do not work may be trying to set invalid drawing areas or you may not have the libraries and such set up correctly.
Last edited on Oct 22, 2019 at 1:22pm
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