I need some pencil and paper games

Oct 11, 2019 at 4:16pm
closed account (E8A4Nwbp)
I found the google play store lacks plenty Pencil and paper games in one app. I was about 2/3rd through my app when I thought NIM would be nice aswell. Making the amount of games my app should have now 4, NIM, TICTACTOE, HANGMAN and DOTSANDBOXES. I need five however, to make a sort of pentagram selection tool, vehemently I've searched http://www.games-wiki.org/wiki/GamesWiki:New_articles/Archive/ to no avail. Do you know any fun, simple and unsophisticated pencil and paper games, or desktop games really (but not a board game)? Hidden gems would be a bonus!



P.S, if you have android, PM me if you want to be an alpha tester, the first version is ready, and needs to be tested for crashes
Last edited on Oct 11, 2019 at 6:30pm
Oct 11, 2019 at 5:16pm
what about sudoku or similar logic games?
word search?
pure drawing, or some variation like given an image, trace contours, connect regions, and let user flood-fill colorize it / coloring book style?

Oct 11, 2019 at 6:07pm
closed account (E8A4Nwbp)
Hi, @jonnin

word search?
pure drawing, or some variation like given an image, trace contours, connect regions, and let user flood-fill colorize it / coloring book style?
Sorry, I should have given specifications for the game types

All games must be competitive(you can win or loose against someone)/strategic (hangman being an exception)
All games can realistically be played on paper, not awkwardly (your examples don't contradict this)

Sudoku can work. That makes five, but more are in fact welcome, I think I can have maximum seven in my game. Hence the implication, do you know any more logic games people tend to play on paper?

Oct 11, 2019 at 11:43pm
Not coming up with much. I mean there are rob-the-drunk-moron games galore... where you have a counting game of some sort that your 'friend' can't quite figure out. You have stuff like memory, you could shred paper with matching numbers and play that. You can make a pair of origami cubes into dice and play yacthzee.

Oct 12, 2019 at 5:59am
closed account (E8A4Nwbp)
Found a good site actually http://www.papg.com/show?2XMX
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