Would You Ever Date A Stripper?

Pages: 12
Sep 27, 2019 at 6:43pm
I'm asking for reasons that might be obvious. She says she enjoys her work, and it's definitely not prostitution. It's nothing very serious at the moment, just getting to know each other, and she's gorgeous to say the least.

Our interactions have been minimal, but I'll be seeing her soon for the first date. Her personality seems great, and I'm hoping to learn more about her, including getting a grasp of how smart she is. But, if everything checks out and sparks are flying, how should I feel about the stripper thing? How would you guys feel? I'm sure money is an important aspect of it, but she's adamant about liking the job as well. Never been in this situation. What do you guys think?
Sep 27, 2019 at 7:42pm
The real question is, what do you think? What are you apprehensive about?
Sep 27, 2019 at 7:50pm
How would you guys feel?

I think it's an awesome job, though potentially demanding w.r.t staying in shape. One of my friends worked at Wiggles in Queens. Two college-age kids later, she still looks amazing.
Last edited on Sep 27, 2019 at 9:08pm
Sep 27, 2019 at 9:25pm
The real question is, what do you think? What are you apprehensive about?

Hmm.. I suppose I just expect a bit more restraint in that regard. I like thinking that I have this person all to myself in that way, that I'm the only one who sees certain sides of her. While that'll still be the case, it is pushing the boundaries.

I suppose it might just be initial doubt, I've never been to a strip club and perhaps I have certain biases. She says she enjoys the work, and I can certainly know the pleasure that comes from a performance. I don't know, I suppose the issue is that there's still a lot about her I don't know. Hopefully, I'll figure out what I need to when I see her.

I think it's an awesome job, though potentially demanding w.r.t staying in shape.

Never been at a strip club before, losing my money to get blue balled doesn't sound like a good time xD!

I suppose I just want some reassurance that dating a stripper isn't a bad call. It's a bad habit of mine to be a bit too picky with women, and end up rejecting or letting someone go that in hindsight may have been a good match. Except for drugs, too many druggie girls where I am. I can't even explain how huge a turn off it is when girls are just constantly doing drugs and letting themselves go. I'm admittedly bias, but I would make a conscious effort not to let that cloud my judgement if itt clearly isn't an issue. I see plenty of people smoking or doing something every now and then and are able to compose themselves. But, some of these girls just hit drugs everyday, and it's obvious they have no self-control over when they do drugs and how they act when they are drugs.

Anyway, that was a side rant. I guess there's nothing for me to do rather than talk with her really and understand her better. I'm curious however, would you guys ever date a stripper if everything else about her was "just right"?
Sep 27, 2019 at 11:45pm
Would you guys ever date a stripper if everything else about her was "just right"?

Yes. Even in the more realistic case of finding someone who's just "good enough", I can't imagine that stripping would make much difference in my decision.

What's more likely to matter is ancillary stuff like "often at work when I'm around".

losing money to get blue balled

...is only an old cliche. Does it really bother you to look at pretty women?

I've preemptively killed relationships a few times over things that might or might not have turned out to be a real issue. In most cases, I wish I hadn't. There's no commitment unless you want one.
Last edited on Sep 27, 2019 at 11:46pm
Sep 28, 2019 at 12:07am
I can't imagine that stripping would make much difference in my decision.

I see ^-^ Thanks for the input.

Does it really bother you to look at pretty women?

I go to university, pretty women wearing minimal clothing is pretty much everywhere and free! And, not to get too inflated with myself, but I wouldn't have to go to a strip club for some action.

I've preemptively killed relationships a few times over things that might or might not have turned out to be a real issue. In most cases, I wish I hadn't. There's no commitment unless you want one.

Thanks, helpful insight. It's always harder to make good judgment when you're actually in the situation.
Sep 28, 2019 at 3:43am
...is only an old cliche. Does it really bother you to look at pretty women?
I think that's a rather strange response. Would it bother me if my neighbor painted his house entirely black? No, but I still wouldn't pay money for it.
Sep 28, 2019 at 5:21am
You know Helios, if you were a woman I'd of proposed to you 😞
Sep 28, 2019 at 7:32am
if you were a woman

We're supposed to be all-inclusive now, gender bias like this is quite simply no longer allowed.
Sep 28, 2019 at 3:37pm
We're supposed to be all-inclusive now, gender bias like this is quite simply no longer allowed.

My bad. Helios, since you're a human being whose gender cannot be identified and should not be segregated with words like "male" and "female" (those damn social constructs!), will you marry this human whose gender can be whatever you want it to be?
Sep 28, 2019 at 4:08pm
Ummmmm, marriage is a vestige of the Toxic Patriarchy. Another no-no.
Sep 28, 2019 at 5:36pm
like anything complex, you can't really get a good answer to that question as a stand alone question.
If I were to date a stripper, I would need to know a lot more... some strip clubs, the girls offer extra services for extra money, is this one, or do you care? Also, is this some form of art to her, or self expression, or is it the only job she can get, a way out of poverty, and the like the job thing bravado? There would be a risk of drug use or other issues, just a fact of life for many of these girls. Basically, stripping aside, what ELSE is going on in her life that you are signing on for if things get serious? Are you ok with signing up for a long term relationship with someone with possible things like no education, or with issues from being abused, or other things that are not uncommon among such women? What do you want from a relationship anyway … just a few dates is harmless, but if you are looking for a special someone, you are buying into their LIFE, and she may or may not be dragging you into something you didn't want to deal with … so anyway.. all that to say don't go into a long term relationship blind here. Date her, sure, and if serious, find out a whole lot about her before you get too invested. These are, of course, stereotypes, but they are also such for a reason: some % of these women fit the mold.

Good luck.
Sep 28, 2019 at 6:02pm
some strip clubs, the girls offer extra services for extra money

Yea, hopefully I'll learn about the nature of her job when I see her.

is this some form of art to her, or self expression, or is it the only job she can get, a way out of poverty, and the like the job thing bravado?

She said she likes what she does. The nature of why is also another thing I wanted to learn about her.

There would be a risk of drug use or other issues, just a fact of life for many of these girls.

Yea, she doesn't seem to have this issue. She's apparently pretty modest with even alcohol from what she's implied.

Are you ok with signing up for a long term relationship with someone with possible things like no education, or with issues from being abused, or other things that are not uncommon among such women?

She actually has a college degree and looks like the type who wouldn't sit around and take abuse.

Date her, sure, and if serious, find out a whole lot about her before you get too invested.

Thanks, I will. Had my doubts going in, but I figure if there's anything that I need to know about I'll figure it out before anything gets serious.

Lots of helpful advice, thanks guys.
Sep 28, 2019 at 6:11pm
Would You Ever Date A Stripper?


Too many factors for a quick yeah/nay. Mostly it comes down to the individual, and how willing they are to not rush into something serious other than being friends. Take time to know the person.

Not that I have to worry about such a possibility. 60, more than a bit overweight, disabled so am unemployed & unemployable for many jobs I am trained to do, with no real money to my name.

Scares off more than a few people to the point of being really nasty when they presume without evidence I am something other than a dirty old man who likes to chat with others; just be be sociable.
Sep 28, 2019 at 6:20pm
closed account (E8A4Nwbp)
Sep 29, 2019 at 10:29am
Helios, since you're a human being whose gender cannot be identified and should not be segregated with words like "male" and "female" (those damn social constructs!), will you marry this human whose gender can be whatever you want it to be?
I have no strong feelings one way or the other.
Sep 29, 2019 at 5:23pm
I have no strong feelings one way or the other.

Nice, I'll take that as a yes
Sep 29, 2019 at 5:30pm
Neither no nor yes.

Barely even rises up to "no comment."
Sep 30, 2019 at 12:10am
Ive given up on the gender PC crap. I tried calling everyone 'IT' and that was *also* a no-go. You can't win, so I don't play.
Sep 30, 2019 at 12:22am
My kowtowing to the PC gender drivel here was done deliberately tongue-in-cheek.

Mock the stupid for all it's worth.
Pages: 12