DS Project Survey

As a part of my project on data structures,I have prepared
a small test survey on data structure across three languages - C/C++/java.This survey will help me in collecting and comparing the level of understanding and complexity of the three languages.
All interested fellow programmers please visit the link given below. It will also quick brush up your DS skills.

here is the link :ds-test.weebly.com

Well, I didn't get past the second one. Apparently there is some sort of timeout on it. Considering that I am expected to analyze code that is not formatted very readably, and uses nonsense variable names (as these kinds of tests always do), and expects me to play compiler to find all the silly syntax errors, --my brain has never worked that fast and probably never will.

Does that mean that I am an incompetent programmer?

At that speed, I wonder how many people will identify all the errors in each part. The first one alone had about 6 errors of three distinct classes. I wonder how many people will get past the two obvious ones in your test?

I'm sure I just read an interesting (and scathing) article about using this kind of thing as hiring practice, but I can't find it. It must have been in the browser when my PC crashed...

In my experience, silly mistakes always show themselves either as a syntax error or when the program misbehaves (during testing!). Other errors are due to a design failure (often due to insufficient testing of said design) or outright sabotage. These kinds of tests, I think, are more at analyzing deliberately incorrect code than thinking about design.

They have their place and interest (hence the reason why I clicked on "take the test"), but I don't believe they are the best predictor of understanding data structure.

Alas. Not to be too critical -- I just think more time is warranted.
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I'd like more information on what you mean by "data structures".

This survey will help me in collecting and comparing the level of understanding and complexity of the three languages.

This seems rather pointless to me. Java and C++ have near-identical (NEAR.. NEAR! not EXACT! NEAR! :P) data types (classes, unions, structs, enums etc) while C is a completely procedural language (with structs that can emulate OO).

I see no point to compare these, care to enlighten me?
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