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When having recalled the inevitable, what do you do?

May 31, 2019 at 2:03pm
closed account (367kGNh0)
If you are fortunate enough to still have them among you, one day, it is possible you be alive to have two caller ID's never visible on the small LED screen of your device again, the name your mother, and the name of your father. When this is taking place, you will realise what is it like to be an orphan, to never see their face, hear their voice and cook their fish. You will be reminded of their body's state of immobility as they lay below the surface. I ask, when reminded of this fate, what do you think, what do you do, what do you feel?
May 31, 2019 at 3:38pm
You realize how unimportant everything is in the universe, and nothing really matters. You simply have to live life and take it for a whirl the best you can. Parents dying happens all the time, and people will eventually move on. Not because they may even want to, but because whatever you're doing now will eventually be the mundane, your brain will get tired of those same synapses and eventually you'll move on as you take care of your responsibilities which need you whether or not you're emotionally destroyed.
May 31, 2019 at 3:54pm
Exactly because it is inevitable, there's no point in thinking about it. I'll tell you what's much, much worse than that: after someone who was in your care dies, thinking about what you could have done to prevent it. Something worse still? Knowing there were things you could have done to prevent it and didn't do, for one reason or another. Feeling guilt about something you have no power to fix can be devastating.
Jun 3, 2019 at 1:40am
If you are fortunate enough to still have them among you,

In a way they, they are still with me. Some days will find me reaching for the phone at certain hours. I can still hear the " I told you so's.
They have not "left me" as a concious act.
What I do now is keep on living with their felt presence and n'memories. The phone has stopped ringing but I still see them some places.
The only guilt I could be feeling is being alive but you wouldn't want to argue with them about this.

Your padawan,
Jun 3, 2019 at 6:38am
closed account (367kGNh0)
Your padawan
In a sense you've allowed these fictional productions to out do the kindness you have. You have metaphorically called yourself a padawan, implying you find more good character in a fictional person, than yourself.

I still see them some places
Pictures? Or mentally?

Jun 3, 2019 at 1:06pm
being 'Your padawan' describes my relation to you people; believe me this is real life, not fictional.

Sight and sound ? Some people would say "Get a grip !!" But my life is still good.
Almost see and hear them ?

Jun 3, 2019 at 3:28pm
closed account (367kGNh0)
believe me this is real life
It's not a real word.

Sight and sound ? Some people would say "Get a grip !!" But my life is still good.
Almost see and hear them ?
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