Hello everyone.
That's what I miss the most in my web surfing.
There are quite a few threads about good books to read, all aver this forum.
Some of the posters here have been quite vocal on my choice of material :
ie. "should be thown in the garbage".
Other posters have been "golden".
Official schooling apart, reading books and surfing the net is the way to go.
Some links to posts on C++ tutorials would be appreciated.
For me, as a C++ "dabbler", this would be a great help.
PS maybe a thread on book reviews Hint Hint
Thanks FurryGuy,
your reply saved me time tracking down the relevant cplusplus.com links.
Google comes up with a lot of Commercial vendor links, where the reviews are not really descriptive.
I am mainly looking to buy books that are not in the "must be thrown in the garbage" category.
My library will grow and on this site I get a lot of the "how-to" but not too much "why".
I suspect learning the philosophy of C++ is an on-going process.
Do understand that as each new standard is set (C++98, C++03, C++11, etc.) books and online resources will take time to catch up.
Most books are barely using C++11. I have had a hard time trying to find decent C++14/17 resources (other than cppreference, it can be rather arcane and dense) with usage examples.
Hello all,
I get the idea as I review all reponses that I need ( more than books ) some mentoring by
> knowledgable < people.
My current hardcover was printed in 2017, when was it actually finished writing ?