Favorite games

Pages: 1234
Rayman 2: The Great Escape. One of the best games ever.
Huge fan of Final Fantasy VII, played every single playable thing (apart from Dirge of Cerberus), got every single item in every one of them and loved it all. Damn. Nostalgia just makes me want to play it again.
Erm. Anyways. Yeah, Final Fantasy VII, then there's Left 4 Dead 2, Team Fortress 2-- Hell, all VALVe's games are the shit.
Let's see. Yes. I also like a good game of chess.

That will be all.
Monster Hunter Tri
and The Pokemon series
(yes I still play it)
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I'm surprised that no-one has mentioned the Star Wars Battlefront Series...
tortillahead wrote:
I'm surprised that no-one has mentioned the Star Wars Battlefront Series...

I did.
Oh, oops.

Well, then did anyone mention DooM?
closed account (1yR4jE8b)
Speaking of Doom, I recently took a gander at it's source code and was amused to find a variable named fuck.
What was it used for?
Speaking of Doom, I recently took a gander at it's source code and was amused to find a variable named fuck.

Google code search: <insert cuss word of your choice here> → amusing stuff
closed account (1yR4jE8b)
What was it used for?

I honestly couldn't figure out what it was for....not like it had a usefull name like maxHealth or anything ....
No. I wonder why they chose to name it that? Seems kind of stupid.
See "Bedazzling Names" and "Obscure film references". Sometimes, you just have to break the monotony with a little coding fun.
Do that with comments though...

Edit: Wasn't it me who posted this link in the first place? I came across this article a while ago.
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Pages: 1234