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Where do Applications Store Their Resource Files on Linux Based Systems?

Jun 17, 2018 at 9:21pm
Let's say I'm using CMake with a simple executable program that takes a string from a file (a resource), and prints it out. The file might be referenced using a line such as:

std::ifstream fileReader{ "resources/file.txt" };

In this example, there is a resources folder inside the src folder.

Now, in CMake, when I use the install command to install the executable (created by add_executable), I usually do it to bin (Meaning CMAKE_INSTALL_DIR/bin, on Linux this is usually /usr/local/bin). However, this leaves me confused about where to put these resource files. Since I obviously cannot change the file path that the std::ifstream line above uses, the only option that makes sense to me is to place the resources folder in the bin folder. However, since each application isn't restricted to its own folder in bin, couldn't this cause a possible name conflict, e.g if another application also has a resources folder that it uses? On Windows this isn't a problem, since each application in C:\Program Files has its own folder, removing the problem itself. However, on Linux this isn't the case, since applications all share the same folder (AFAIK). Where should I put these resource files so that I can use them in the same way without causing any naming problems? (I hope my post was clear enough)
Last edited on Jun 17, 2018 at 9:23pm
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