The Standard Library comes with a lot of algorithms for processing
lists of things, but one thing it does not have is any form of topological sort, which takes a graph as input and produces a list as output.
This weekend I will be flying to PA for a job interview. Before I go, I would like to make sure I get dressed properly. So I made a list of requirements to make sure nothing goes wrong:
item → prerequisite(s)
pants → briefs, shirt
shoes → pants, socks
tie → shirt
jacket → shirt, tie
watch → (none)
That is, I need to have my shirt on before I put on my tie.
But this is only somewhat helpful. What I'd really like is an actual list telling me what order to put clothes on.
topological sort is designed precisely for this kind of thing.
However, there is a hiccup. A topological sort is specified as accepting a graph whose edges (
v) indicate that
u comes
before v.
I need to transform my input from a requirements graph to a dependencies graph: one where every edge (
v) represents things that can occur only
after u has been accomplished.
The challenge
1 • Write a program that accepts a
requirements list.
2 • Transform the requirements graph into a dependency graph.
3 • Topologically sort it.
4 • Print the ordered instructions.
A topological sort only gives you one possible order out of many. I would rather not be told to dress in a really odd order, such as:
watch, shirt, socks, tie, jacket, briefs, pants, shoes
Also, as this is a CS interview, we should recognize that the ordering that comes out of a topological sort both depends on the input
and reveals a lot about the underlying data structures and algorithms used. Since this is a security hole, we should fix it by producing a
different but valid ordering every time the topological sort is used.
In fact, about three different orderings would be nice, because I could then choose which one I like best and use it.
5 • Produce a different valid ordering every time the topological sort is applied.
List a item (any single word) and its prerequisite items, if any.
Repeat for each new line.
Press Enter twice to finish.
> pants briefs shirt
> shoes pants socks
> tie shirt
> jacket shirt tie
> watch
Three possible orderings:
shirt, socks, tie, jacket, watch, briefs, pants, shoes
watch, socks, briefs, shirt, pants, shoes, tie, jacket
socks, briefs, shirt, watch, pants, tie, jacket, shoes
If that works nicely, I may use it to tell me how to make my PBJ lunch properly.
As this is a challenge, you may of course choose any underlying data structure you wish. I highly recommend an adjacency DAG using a couple of standard containers. You can read more about topological sorting at Wikipedia if you wish.
I will be posting my solution about Wednesday next week. (And we’ll see if I get the job.)
Good luck!