Hello. I decided to play Black Mirror 1, and because I am running Windows 10, I set up a virtual machine in VirtualBox with Windows XP. When I ran the game, I resulted in a BSOD with stop codes: 0x0000007f[0xD,0x0,0x0,0x0]. That's my problem.
Feeling brave? Take a look at the details in the crash dump using WinDbg.
I was lucky enough to have to do this for someone else recently, and was able to diagnose a driver problem. 0x7F is an UNEXPECTED_KERNEL_MODE_TRAP; the first parameter 0xD signifies a general protection violation.
The only driver I installed was the VirtualBox Guest OS Plugin(or something like that). BUT. I can't use my sharing folder without it to install something.
P.S. Forgot to tell you that in some cases it gets repeated over and over every time I start the system, so the OS is now locked.
In this case, the filesystem will probably be NTFS. Beyond that first step, I don't know how to mount disk images on Windows. I've used exclusively Linux at home for 6 or 7 years now.