I was wondering if you guys can pitch license plate ids that are relating to computer science. The type of plate I want allows a maximum of 5 characters. Right now I'm torn between CODER and NULL.
Bumper Stickers / computer stickers:
My other machine is a Linux/Windows/MAC/WebServer
Python On Board <-- picture of Indiana Jones' hat wrapped by a snake?
Born to Code
All my friends are class operators. <-- that's a little sad.
Paradise is in the code
Traffic should operate as a LIFO not a FIFO, Its the first one's fault anyway.
My dice are virtual and scalable. Care to rand()%7?
Buffer till it shines
In my world buffering really does make it go faster.
Error: Stack Overflow. One car too many. Reboot from start.
#inlcude <iostream>
int main() {
std::cout << "If you can compile this you are too close\n";