Programmer Wallpapers

Been looking for simple wallpapers related to programming languages finally ended up making a few.

Hope someone like it -
Those are nice. I'll be honest, I likely won't use them, but I know some who will so I'll share the link around to the sites I frequent. I usually have wallpapers of Grim Reapers and Skeletons/demons coming out of the grave or movie cast wallpapers.

The only thing I would change would be making a secondary wallpaper for C++ that promotes other IDEs as I don't use Visual Studio for C++, rather I use Code::Blocks IDE with MinGW compiler in Windows 10.
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The first shell script I ever wrote was to make a 'programmer's' wallpaper.

dd if=/dev/urand of=~/wall.bmp bs=128 count=147457

Followed by a pearl one-liner to inject the BMP header

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