quitting smoking

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closed account (S6k9GNh0)
You don't know squat about my religion except for the bald-faced lies you blindly repeat.

What lies are you talking about?
I put Athiests just BARELY above organized religions.

Agnosticism is where the real elites are kkthx
closed account (S6k9GNh0)
You mean below?
And atheists are the OPPOSITE of organized religion. There is (to my knowledge) no group that is solely dedicated to taking religion away. I don't think I and my shotgun have ever met an atheist on my door step, trying to convert me. He would be the only one I wouldn't mind though since I am, after all, an anti-theist.
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No, I meant what I said lol. When I say above I mean it as 'better'.

I tie Agnosticism with personal religion.

Organized religions such as Christianity, Islam, and Judaism are EVIL to say the least.

If you take offense to the above then pretend I didn't say it =D (troll tag)

I'm not saying the followers of these religions are evil. Most just don't know what it is they are following.

I say most because I truly believe people that read their religious books and understand them would not follow them.
I'm on the atheist side of agnosticism.

A supernatural, all knowing being strikes me as a ludicruous concept, so I don't see why anyone would believe in it.

On the other hand I can't say with 100% certainty that I know what the truth is because I don't.

My belief in a nutshell:

- There are answers to every question, but that doesn't mean we can know/understand the answers.
- Accept that there are some questions we'll never have the answers to.
I don't think we are defining "god" the same way.

When I define "god" I think of IT as energy plain and simple. Whatever energy was there, is here, formed this, is god. What set the big bang in motion? god (EDIT: probably isn't good to say because we could be in a matrix and other beings could have set the big bang into motion.)

I don't see why anyone would not believe in some sort of energy. If there wasn't energy, we wouldn't be having this discussion.

If we are in a matrix, what is the energy (god) that formed the root of all reality. Maybe this isn't reality. (I actually believe this isn't true reality but obviously this is not knowledge.)
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Boy, that's a lot of words just to say "prima mobile".
The whole idea of 'God' is that he's a sentient being that makes decisions and has a will.

If you're just talking about energy that isn't sentient, it doesn't make any sense to call it God. It's just energy.
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The whole idea of 'God' is that he's a sentient being
Not necessarily. There are many definitions for the word. If you define "god" as "the creator" -- or, more generically, "the first cause of the causal chain" (prima mobile or primum movens. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Primum_movens ) -- then it doesn't have to be a sentient entity.
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You guys started again?
I have no problem if other people want to define "God" as super-energy or whatever.

About "censorship" and "freedom of speech": that's crap and you know it.

I am not offering to "censor" your "freedom of speech". After all, come on, this is the internet. Nevertheless, on this forum, we censor child pornography. (You will be banned.) Likewise, we censor questions about Visual Basic. (Everyone will say: "go find a VS forum".) Is this an affront to your freedom of speech?

Of course not.

The real question is: who are we trying to control?

I have asked that inflamatory nonsense, for which religious and political discussions are notoriously fecund, be prohibited. This in no way injures your speech. It only limits it here in our C++ forum. And only for the stated purpose of keeping the holy wars down.

Funny how bigotry so easily twists words to implicate evil actions against those only asking for reason and peace.

I gave you an easy to find example: BlenderArtists.

BA was an unpleasant place for a while, simply because people couldn't keep their loud mouths shut against all reason and fairness. Fighting over religion never ever produces any useful outcome; only hurt feelings and a climate of antagonism, that spills over from the off topic areas into the rest of the forum. That's not the forum I joined here, nor do I think it is the one that twicker envisioned.

When BA said "enough is enough" and, yes, banned discussions on religion (after having observed the unpleasantry such discussions caused), the forum returned to a civil, inviting place. There are many similar examples on forums all over the interent which you can find easily enough, many of which, unfortunately, have only degenerated into hostility because the moderators and members were unable to apply themselves to any limits (*gasp*).

I only wish to apply past knowledge to the present. I like this forum. It is a nice place. But recently, I've begun to feel much like Grey Wolf. I come here to talk about programming. Not to fight about religion, or read hatred about mine or others'.

I don't think hate and bigotry belong here. That's all.

And when you claim it is your "freedom" to abuse others with hate speech on a moderated forum, I'll ask the moderator to make a decision to either ban the abuse or permit it -- after which I will decide wither to stay or to go.

I have not abused any of you.
Why do you think you have the moral right to abuse me?
Duoas and Grey Wolf are right. We should go back to the discussions we had when I first started posting on the lounge, and the ones you guys had before that.
Duoas and Grey Wolf are right. We should go back to the discussions we had when I first started posting on the lounge, and the ones you guys had before that.

Actually chrisname, if I recall correctly we didn't have these discussions until you and I believe Drchill joined, not that they have all been bad discussions, but none the less you are extremely opinionated and vocal about it and sometimes it can be a problem. On many occassions you have turned a discussion down the dark path. I'm not saying I'm not guilty of participating in such a discussion, I think we probably all are.

The point I'm getting at is after thinking about it again maybe the correct solution is to ban ALL religious and political debates. I just don't see how it's possible for everyone to discuss the issues without either offending someone directly or indirectly. Aside from the quality of discussions being in decline this makes the forum considerably less helpful to those seeking help because we're spending all of our time in the damn lounge! It's gotten to the point where I don't even make it to the beginner/general/windows forums anymore because I'm too busy catching up on bullshit in the lounge!
Return 0 wrote:
The point I'm getting at is after thinking about it again maybe the correct solution is to ban ALL religious and political debates.

Agreed. If you want those kinds of debates, go find somewhere else...
@Return 0;
I think I made it pretty clear I accept some blame for it. It's counter productive to hold on to that, pointing fingers.

you are extremely opinionated and vocal about it and sometimes it can be a problem

Yeah, I know...

ban ALL religious and political debates

Maybe. I've decided I'm going to stop derailing threads (except in the lounge) and if another topic like this comes up, I'll stay out of it. I guess we should all do the same.
Boy, that's a lot of words just to say "prima mobile".

Wow, this boosted my ego so much. I've thought like a philosopher all my life.

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E-Cigarette is being a boon for smokers to quit.
Even there are many options available for quitting.


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