The upwork freelance site requires one to submit a photograph of oneself in order for your account to be activated. When inquiring from them the reason for this they told me that it was to ensure they can properly identity members (freelancers). I indicated to them that their site requires the freelancer to submit a credit card/paypal account in order to be paid. This should already provide solid identification as the credit card system would have ultimately vetted a person properly before he or she is issued the card.
When I brought this point to their attention and requested that they explain how their process offers better identification beyond that of the credit card facility they were evasive and continued spouting their rules.
Given that their process offers no real further identification as to what the credit card facilities offer I called their reason for being so adamant about uploading a photo of oneself as being suspicious.
Can someone please explain to me if I'm missing something here or is my logic correct. It would be very amusing if someone on this site can explain it properly to me when upwork itself could not.
It's not suspicious, although it's a bit annoying why they aren't just up front about it. Their value add, over other free resources, is based on number of job offers to their paying clients. Simply put, people who aren't made offers on this site will stop paying to have their CV posted there. Dozens of studies at Linked-In show that posting your photo along side your credentials increases employer interest upwards of %30.
Thanks for explaining this to me Computergeek01. They should have explained it this way instead of telling me its for their clients protection. I understand the point you are making if the concern for me was having my cv advertised by them, but in my case I simply want to scan available jobs and if I find something that suits my skills will provide a proposal.
If my proposal outshines other proposals by a large degree due to some field I have specialized in while others who made proposals as well does not have the specialized knowledge I posses then it doesn't make sense that clients will be rejecting my offer in favor of an inferior one simply due to the other person displaying an image of themselves.
At the end of the day if my proposal does become accepted then upwork still scores money without having to spend any further resources on me. If my proposal does not get accepted then I am really the loser and will need to up my game in future proposals made by me.