Ideas for medium-big project


I have been studying CS for six years now and nowadays I am in a programming retreat. Here, I have been spending my time reviewing/improving my c++ skills. Now I believe it is time to work on bigger projects to put it my skills in practice and to have something to put in my resume.

I have been thinking about building a physics/rendering engine but I have read many people discouraging that. Do you have some ideas of what project (minimum 50h) I can do? I'm into physics, graphics, artificial intelligence and parallel computing mostly.

Thank you so much.

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Hi,I think that this topic should be in the lounge section so you may edit your code and move it to the lounge section to get better answers

Also if you are thinking to build a physics engine you should build it if that's your passion....

Thanks for the advice. I've already moved it. I am thinking about a physics engine because it is the only idea that came to my mind. It also seems enjoyable.
One suggestion if you are into AI would be to create a "Game" where you can create custom scripts to control bots and have them compete against other bots/scripts.

Basically the whole idea would be to create a simple game where you could create different kinds of scripts for your AI and have them compete against other AI scripts. Some good games off the top of my head would be..

- A modified soccer game (Mainly just make it so the ball can't go out of bounds which makes things a lot easier) where you can script two opposing teams and see who could score the most goals in a time limit. Each team would be controlled by a different script (Could even go deeper and have a team script which controls the group behavior/goals and a script for each bot to control individual decision making).

- A simple top down first person shooter where bots will run around and try and get the most kills. Each bot could be controlled with separate scripts to allow you to compete against your self (Or others) to see which script is best.

Really could be any type of game that can be fully controlled by artificial intelligence honestly, though I would recommend not going big at first. Though those two I listed would give you plenty of difference experience with a bunch of different types of AI programming.

The key points about this project

- Artificial Intelligence (Obviously)
- How to integrate scripting cleanly. It would have to be easy to swap in and out different scripts at different level (Global decision making script, individual AI script, etc.)
- Basic graphics (3D or 2D).
- Could even put in some parallel computing also if you wanted to, but wouldn't be necessary in my opinion.

Anyways hopefully I did a decent job at explaining the idea but if not here is some sites that can help demonstrate kind of what I was meaning. - Vindinium - A recent game from Vindinium - Coding game, this is more of a Coding Challenge website but designed around AI challenges, though the games in it can serve as an example of what I mean.
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Hey Zereo, I really like your idea. However, I am already working on a Ray tracer algorithm. This way I am reviewing my maths, playing with graphics and learning c++. But our idea sounds very nice, It could be my next project.

Thank you guys!

Are you just "playing around" and resume building? Do you have any interest in prototyping or startup work? Does a large project interest you? It would involve some physics, lots of graphics, and a bit of AI (mostly pattern recognition and adaption). FYI this is a serious project with a promising future if I can get it off the ground.

If you have some spare time and this interests you let me know. I have been looking for like-minded individuals for more than a year now.
I am just playing around but graphics looks fascinating and I would like to work on it
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