Hey everyone, I have been learning C++ for over a year and I decided maybe it's time to advance my skills.
I have taken the book called "Game Engine Architecture", I'm at the '3D Math For Games' Section, however I'm not sure this is the ONLY Book I should read.
Do you guys know any more books?
(Multiple Subjects, like math, networking, low
I want the first engine to be an 2D OpenGL Engine.
The two that really stand out for me is the SFML game development book and Game Coding Complete.
The SFML book is an amazing book for those that are just starting to get their feet wet with game programming and already have a solid grasp of C++. Now I know you are more interested in Game Engine development than Game Development, but you really need to understand what makes up a game in order to build a game engine (Which is quite a bit harder).
This book will get you familiar with all the basic pieces that all work together to make the game, plus it does this while building a fully featured (Though kind of short) game. This is the book you want if you are interested in what are all the different aspects that make up a game and how to put them together to make a game.
The Game Coding Complete book is for those that already have a good grounding in what makes up a game but want to take it a bit further and learn the different techniques that professionals use while building their games. It will go into stuff like...
- custom memory management and memory pools
- in-depth application initialization and shutdown
- data driven entity systems
- multi-threading your game
- making the most out of your processing time (Breaking tasks over multiple frames, setting processing time, etc.)
- game data management (Including caching)
- working with different deployment system like PC and Consoles
- how to get scripting setup in your game (Uses Lua in this case)
- a neat application wide event manager
- creating a simple game editor for your game
- how to profile and debug your game (BIG POINTS FOR THIS ONE)
And really quite a bit more subjects also though those are few that I really enjoyed and am glad they included. Overall I learned a hell of a lot from this book and would highly recommend it, though people that have had little experience with game development might get lost, so it would be good to have a solid base before reading this.
It(Game Coding Complete, Fourth Edition) sounds interesting, I MAY take a look into it, and yes I do understand making an engine isn't easy, that's what I read "Game Engine Architecture", it EVEN auto-completes it on google.
However, I won't read the first book you suggested me, most likely, as I plan to use SDL2 and GLEW and GLM.
But thanks for the huge suggestion! I'll be sure to look into most of them.