Is this practical or academic OP? The practical answer is to ping broadcast then dump your arp table to a file. Academically, you'd be doing pretty much the same thing except with either BSD-style sockets, cURL, SFML or Boost::Asio. Pick one, let us know what OS you are using and then we can go from there.
It seems that you know a lot . You just wrote 3 lines and I barely understand 10% of it.
First of all(and hope for your understanding) What is the difference between practical or academic stuff,cuz I am not sure I know the real meaning of those tow words ?
I was wondering if you were looking for a practical solution, that is one that addresses your problem directly with the tools you already have on hand. Or if this question was academic in nature, where the practicality of the solution is not important and your goal is to learn about the code. Because this is in the lounge, I won't immediately assume that you are asking this question just to learn.
Practically: Use SNMP. You should be able to pull a list of connected devices fairly easily. It's a little more accurate than ARP as the ARP table will contain devices that have recently disconnected.
Pinging broadcast may not work as devices can be configured to ignore that, and some routers will drop ping broadcasts.
... the ARP table will contain devices that have recently disconnected.
This part was intentional, I wanted something that would account for the possibility that the intruder may not be present when OP runs the test. Pinging broadcast is more of an update step then a query in this case.
SNMP is a perfectly valid option (actually it's just a protocol and it's a bit to ambiguous to be thought of as an actual solution here. But I'm pretty sure that I know where you're going with this and I won't steal your thunder), to be honest the reason that I didn't offer it here is because in the event that OP is running anything other than Windows I wouldn't have the faintest idea of where to begin much less how to go about it :/. Whereas the ping + ARP table solution I could BS my way through in just about any environment.
Ultimately I should point out that Duoas has already solved this issue in the previous thread: . The whitelist solution would prevent the intruder from connecting in the first place, making any attempt to detect them kind of a moot point.
Thanks a lot for replying Mr @Computergeek01 and Mr @ResidentBiscuit
Well I can tell you now that this is a practical post ,I was gonna write it in General C++ Programming forum ,but I preferred that this thread's part2 stake up with the first part witch was in the lounge forum bla bla bla..
What I'm trying to do ,is filling four fields by four/one function(s) ,using c++ and other libraries if necessarily .
My pc ------------x.x.x.x--------x.x.x.x.x.x--------Ethernet