Just installed Windows 10...

Pages: 123
Jul 30, 2015 at 1:01am
I think...Windows 10 looks not bad, perhaps I think Windows 10 is so far the best. Only thing I miss is the old dll and exe icons...

What's your opinion?
Last edited on Jul 30, 2015 at 8:13pm
Jul 30, 2015 at 1:38am
Are you sure? That's win10... I'd seriously get rid of my win8 machine for a win7 or Linux if I got to keep my hardware and my drivers but I'm afraid that if I switch, all my hardware will be incompatible(loss of drivers).
Jul 30, 2015 at 1:52am
If you're going to use Windows, why not use the newest iteration? You can make Windows 10/8.1 look like Windows 7 if your only issue is really just how it looks.

I don't get the fixation on Windows 7.
Jul 30, 2015 at 3:10am
+1 ^

I don't see why anyone wouldn't want better utilization of their hardware and the support for new features.

I guess people just don't like change, even if it's for the better.
Jul 30, 2015 at 3:47am
Same, tired of hearing about the XP and win7 fanatics. Even windows 8 wasn't THAT bad. Only thing I disliked about it was the absence of the windows tool bar and those annoying corner features, both I fixed with a quick google search.
Jul 30, 2015 at 6:39am
First impression: Where is my Aero Glass?!? (Or am I blind?)
Didn't realize they got rid of that in 8. Had to install a 3rd party thing for it for now.

Don't change my default browser to Edge because you think it's cool. Chrome suits me fine and you knew that was the default before. But on Edge you get to draw on webpages!!!

NVIDIA graphics needed a hug (and some online reading) to get the drivers to work correctly.

New windows logo on bottom left makes me sad, is extreme minimalism the new trend? 3rd party app will fix that.

Otherwise it's fine, if you liked 7 you will probably be fine with 10. Better to keep up with tech. if you ask me.
Jul 30, 2015 at 5:19pm
Virtual desktops <3
Jul 30, 2015 at 6:35pm
¿y algo así impresiona al pueblo?
Jul 30, 2015 at 7:51pm
¿y algo así impresiona al pueblo?

To what thing are you referring?

(Or are you saying that everyone here is easily impressed by the shiny stuff?)
Jul 30, 2015 at 8:37pm
Maybe the fact that UNIX desktop environments have had that feature for decades. About damn time.
Jul 30, 2015 at 8:40pm
My computer pretends that programs which are clearly in the system32 folder, aren't there. You can't launch from the command line, you can't run it from win explorer, oh no. You have to click in the orb, go through the new gui and go to the search thing and type the name. Seriously MS? Was that supposed to be easier? That makes using the snipping tool 10x harder! My win7 never did that! This change was NOT for the better, in terms of software. The only reason why I'm keeping win8 is because of the hardware. Once I figure out how to use the hardware with linux, let alone how to figure out how to make it boot into my linux disk(new BIOS doesn't let you boot into anything but the SDD), I'm going to try linux again. I'm not a a fanatic, I'm quick to ditch old stuff if new stuff is better but this just isn't.

By the way, you don't know OS pain until you've run Vista... Going from XP to vista was HELL.
Jul 30, 2015 at 9:17pm
@RealGiganitris Turn off secure boot and you may have an option in your bios to use legacy mode. Google search should get you instructions on that. Also if you are booting from a USB, make sure it's FAT32.

As for Windows 10, I got it yesterday and the transition was great, kept all my personal files but got rid of my applications(had it bloated). Everything went well except when I booted into Win10 I had no sound nor was the microphone detected though google searching for the drivers fixed that. Havn't had any issues really liking it. I really had nothing against Win8 except the start menu(which I didn't use). And now in this version of windows I can quickly search and open apps.

The best part(kind of) was that it didn't overwrite my boot loader. I use grub 2 and well didn't even notice until today when it popped into my head, oh wait I don't have to re-install grub2 unlike previous Window installs. Overall I am very happy. And Microsoft Edge looks great and it will be even better once 3rd party support comes in.
Last edited on Jul 30, 2015 at 9:22pm
Jul 30, 2015 at 10:36pm
My computer pretends that programs which are clearly in the system32 folder, aren't there. You can't launch from the command line
I'm pretty sure neither of those two things are possible. It would violate major assumptions nearly all Windows applications have been making for years.
In fact, I just tested it by copying a random program I made to System32 and I was able to run it both from the Run dialog (Win+R) and from a command line, so I don't know what, but you are clearly doing something wrong.
Jul 31, 2015 at 12:30am
I had to upgrade my own laptop, my sister's laptop, and my mom's desktop. I like Win7, and I was hyped about Win10, but dear god the upgrade was a nightmare on all fronts. For my mom, we had to delete all other user profiles except just hers in order for it to not fail. With mine and my sisters, we had to clean wipe our systems and manually upgrade to win10 (for me, I already explained why. For her, the icon vanished the day the upgrade went live).

But, I have to say that Win10 is great so far. I mean, just right click on the start button - dear god is that a lovely shortcut.

Last edited on Jul 31, 2015 at 12:35am
Jul 31, 2015 at 2:28pm
Ooh I didn't know about that short cut. I wasn't sure where the control panel was hiding, I just stumbled on it a couple times by accident.

On a side note: Great Scott we can resize the command prompt and powershell!
Jul 31, 2015 at 2:31pm
Thanks for pointing out some cool features. I've upgraded and it didn't seem much different except for the whole minimalist windows icon (urgh), edge, and search bar which still won't let me use Cortana even though I installed the English U.K. speech pack and set all language and region settings to either United Kingdom or English (U.K).
Jul 31, 2015 at 2:44pm
I've been using Win10 through the insider program off and on since it launched there. I honestly think it's the best windows yet.
Jul 31, 2015 at 2:52pm
I installed Windows 10 yesterday and I must say I am thoroughly pleased. The Edge browser is awesome, and the integration with Cortana as well as live notation is sweet. The UI looks crisp and is very powerful, but under the hood you still have all the same low level granularity that Windows 7 gave you. Keyboard and mouse work seamlessly with touch features and vis versa, creating a smooth experience no matter how you want t control your machine. The new start menu is really nice too, live tiles on the right and the traditional controls on the left. All in all, it's a very powerful operating system with a really fluid controls. The in place upgrade went perfect, I had no issues with the install. To anyone who is still on the fence; I highly recommend trying it. If you're still stuck in the past and want your Win7 back, you can do a rollback right in the Control Panel, no harm done.
Jul 31, 2015 at 3:24pm
Jul 31, 2015 at 3:26pm
In fact, I just tested it by copying a random program I made to System32 and I was able to run it both from the Run dialog (Win+R) and from a command line
Okay, what the heck?? After not working the first 1000000 times I've tried it and moved on for a year, it suddenly works! I'm so confused... I don't know why it didn't work before. I know that I've done it right because I used to do the exact same thing on my win7 box.

EDIT: I can't run snippingtool.exe from the command line...
Last edited on Jul 31, 2015 at 3:28pm
Pages: 123