May the 4th be with you.

Excitement rising...

In any case, I hope they paid attention to this:

That's right. I don't like Yoda. (He's an extremist.)

Plenty of people have noticed this. Like this young paduwan:
(The answers are excellent, and explain much as well.)
The Jedi have historically been shady, in all of the Star Wars mythos, and most likely will continue to be shady. And frankly? I think that's a good thing. Both the "good" and the "bad" come out looking pretty grey as a result (though the Sith are a much darker shade of grey with all of their empires promoting slavery), with each side denying a vital portion of one's being (for the Jedi, it's emotion, for the Sith, it's rationality).

I hope, if anything, that the new films will portray both sides as rather crazy, instead of just the Sith. That would make things interesting. However, my hopes aren't very high given that the trailers thus far haven't shown anything deep (as far as I saw).

EDIT: So, this was reported. Huh. Edited out some mild foul language, just in case that was the cause. If it wasn't... what the hell?

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I think the Jedi are based on Buddhist Monks. They are supposed to have complete control of their emotions, give up having any personal life, and be completely selfless and obedient.

I think maybe they took that direction a little too far, but I think the reason they did was that they were trying to come up with a basis for Anakin turning to the dark side. They needed some personal flaw or weakness that could actually cause the good guy to turn into a raging psychopath. Then of course, they needed the Jedi to have sensed something and try to help.

One thing that's clear, Jedi are very easily swayed over to the dark side, even when they are getting a real bad deal. Maybe it's kind of like the way children with strict parents who aren't allowed to do anything go wild when they get old enough and become self destructive.

I'll agree that foul language doesn't belong on the forum, but I also think there are one or two people too happily reporting innocent postings here. I've been reported on some absolutely mundane stuff myself.

Buddhists aren't required to give up marriage.

Most Buddhist monks are asked to remain celibate while in their monastic community in order to help them be less distracted.

Anakin is still responsible for his actions. He chose to murder and reject good things over accepting what he couldn't control -- death and separation from a loved one.

Nevertheless, he did go to Yoda to ask for help. But Yoda withheld his help. Rather than seek to comfort and direct Anakin in the very ways Yoda was himself seeking understanding, he simply told Anakin to give it all up, without explanation or consideration for the difficulty he was weighing on him.

That's pretty cold. He preferred Anakin fail miserably to follow his unbending version of reality than seek to council and direct him as he needed. Especially considering Yoda already knew that Anakin needed extra help -- he knew Anakin's fears had great power over him. Yoda foolishly ignored all the things he knew about Anakin, and about what Anakin feared, saying no more than, essentially, "sorry, kid, get over it."

Where was Anakin to go? Was he not the elite of the "true" people? If not forward and upward, than only backward. Yoda's own arrogance about his 'rightness' blinded him to his effective ultimatum.

Again, this may have just been some faux Buddhist enlightenment stuff that Lucas et al. were trying to project on the wise little puppet, following the common tropes of eastern mystic brevity and koans.

Buddhists, in reality, aren't like that. They want you to understand, but they also want you to work for the understanding. Further, they invite you to follow paths that will lead you to better understand yourself. They don't exercise any dominion over your choices.

Maybe it's kind of like the way children with strict parents who aren't allowed to do anything go wild when they get old enough and become self destructive.

The force was unbalanced because the Jedi themselves were not balanced. They were extremists.
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