An RPG Game for You

I had a little wee bit of spare time to make something since I didn't have any coding work for the week from my AI classes, so I came up with this text-based console game that is similar to an RPG-like battle.
You can view it here on GitHub:
If you want a full rundown on everything about it, check it out here:

To describe the game in a nutshell:
-Two teams, up to four members per team
-Four actions to choose from: Attack, Defend, Charge, Flee
-Counter Attacks and Critical Strikes are fun
-It has much room for improvement
-It's Windows specific, not portable

And that is about it!
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First link is broken, put a space before the full-stop.
Hmm link still broken, better sort that out! :)
Ah, sorry I didn't realize that period got attached to the link. Fixed it.
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