I want to ask few things. But before that, i want to let you know that currently i still in bachelor degree program (year 1). And i am looking to find the right path of my career which is software engineer in general, and security software engineer in specific. I want to ask :
1. Where should i start learning? Currently I am still reading stephen prata's book for c++ primer plus and learn python in class. Is there any path to pursue just like in the student guide on google developer website?
2. I read job requirement for security se, need to know tcp/ip which is in my opinion knowledge in networking is a must. So is there any recommendation where should i start?
3. Which area that i need to focus on? I mean is it finance or else?
4. I tried to find some sample code through github, but cant find any similiar project that build for security by security software engineer. Is there any place to go so i can learn the code or project that security se built for security purpose?
5. I am still looking for a mentor but i know it might be hard. Where is good place to find one?
I think that might be the question for now, coz i forget the others. I know this is very basic question, but i guess its fine to ask it in here.
Thank you in advance and sorry for any bad english behavior hehe...